National Stall Decorations.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2004
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I haven't heard who won the Stall Decoration award, but it would have been a tough call. They just amaze me.

If anyone wants to see some of them I tried to take pictures of all of them. But I think I missed one barn. And then there was some, that kids were standing by and you have to be very careful not to put anything on the internet with kids in the picture, with out parents permission. Oh, but the kids were cute. Oh, the dogs were cute too. I fell in love with a King Charles Spanial, by the name of Natally

So, as soon as I get caught up I will see if Jean can get a site up to put them up.
Dawns Chase Farm in the Super Duty barn was awarded the Best Decorated Stall. I have pictures on my website under 2008 Nationals Page, we (Coventry Lane Farm) were stalled together in the same barn with McCarthy's, Taylors and Lyn Young, and Aloha Acres.

Great time at the Nationals and we had a GREAT show with 6 TOP TEN's and bringing home a National Champion with showing our own trained horses and placed above some trainers as well in the ring in Stakes, Futurity and Open!
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Heres our decorations from Barn B.......

[SIZE=14pt]The Watern' Hole [/SIZE]

Erica's Tiny Trotters and RayVik Miniatures

Hard to get it all in pictures, or one picture at that, so I'll put a few...







Erica, i really enjoyed myself at the WaterN Hole..thank you for hosting it...was a regular stop while venturing threw barn B and after a long day clipping

Blue R Glue ..cute

It was funny as everytime we would walk thew barn B ...sniff that Daiquiri i smell?
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Oh wow Erica looks great! Hope next year I can meet you and stop by to say hello!
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HOLEY TOLEDO BAT MAN !! Erica, your decorations and your Watering Hole ....all that work setting it up!!! very inviting. Do I see a seat, chair AND a dining room table with SIX chairs. AND ON TOP OF IT ALL>>>you had to make all your horses gorgeous ( although that was probablly the easiest part ) and you always looked great. Did you have to bring a tractor trailer to get it all there? Do you do the same thing again for the World?

I also want to say...I love the trophy couldnt see them that well on the video so we really couldnt see just how nice they looked. They look sharp!! Congratulations on all your well deserved wins!! Heidi
Yes the watering Hole was fabulous as were the slushies there!Thanks for those Erica.

My friend Rachael who doesnt have a horse to show comes with us every year and decorates our stall area. She was the winner this year. Im so glad that she gets to come home with an award too!


Boy this one would have been hard to judge. There were several very nice setups. I did not make it through all of the barns, but a couple of my favorite were the watering hole and Longman miniatures.
Here's ours - I agree, there were a lot of really nice stall decorations this year! Congrats Bruce and gang!

Lyn I hope you don't mind....I lightened your photo up a bit so we could see it better. Wow I can't believe all the work you guys put into them in addition to all the "other" work that needs to be done at a show. LOL


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