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      1roadtoad reacted to LostandFound's post in the thread Mini trailers with Like Like.
      That sounds promising. I am wondering about tie rings and how easy the stalls are to open. The Hawk trailer is a bit more expensive, so...
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      1roadtoad replied to the thread Mini trailers.
      When I was researching horse trailers and found the Gore brand, I saw many positive reviews on them (in Horse Chronicles and a couple...
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      1roadtoad reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread Jeffrey’s update. with Like Like.
      Yesterday, it was cold and snowing with rain. Today, sunny 54 degrees. Snow is gone. A good day for a Jeffrey walk😀 1 mile The longest I...
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      1roadtoad replied to the thread HOOF TRIMMING.
      Thank you all for responding. It's good to know how often and under what circumstances others are getting their animals hooves trimmed...
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      1roadtoad reacted to LostandFound's post in the thread HOOF TRIMMING with Like Like.
      I would think he probably just scheduled you for when it was convenient for him. When your animals need it is absolutely top notch care...
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      1roadtoad reacted to BSharpRanch's post in the thread HOOF TRIMMING with Like Like.
      If your farrier is good, they are in demand and usually have a full schedule. Trim times on mine vary season to season, dry weather...
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      1roadtoad reacted to Abby P's post in the thread HOOF TRIMMING with Like Like.
      I do my own trimming and I usually end up trimming every 4-6 weeks depending on how he's growing and whether there are any issues I'm...
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      1roadtoad reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread HOOF TRIMMING with Like Like.
      Four weeks here. Farriers consider themselves "artistes" and usually do not accept any criticism. Your guy may be trying to get his...
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      1roadtoad reacted to Standards Equine's post in the thread HOOF TRIMMING with Like Like.
      Mine go from 8 weeks in the summer to 10-12 in the winter. Some of mine to very little. Some of mine work a lot. When they're shod...
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      1roadtoad reacted to candycar's post in the thread HOOF TRIMMING with Like Like.
      I get mine done every 8 weeks. Sometimes more if the farrier is busy or weather is bad, but never more than 10 weeks. I call him, he...
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      I was just wondering how often other mini owners have their little ones hooves trimmed. My farrier has typically trimmed my horses and...
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      1roadtoad reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread Jeffrey’s update. with Like Like.
      1/24/25 I bought a blanket for Jeffrey. Rain is predicted and a cold spell for this weekend into next week. So, just in case they are...
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      1roadtoad reacted to LostandFound's post in the thread Mini trailers with Like Like.
      I contacted my local gore dealer, it looks like they will do some minor adjustments. I'm kind of thinking that if I get an extra large...
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      1roadtoad replied to the thread Mini trailers.
      I have been looking for a trailer as well, but not with living quarters. I would love a retro looking 2 mini horse trailer, but I don't...
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      1roadtoad reacted to Standards Equine's post in the thread New Horse with Like Like.
      Hooray for Rusty! It infuriates me that people breed these wee things haphazardly creating common things like parrot mouth that should...
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