Recent content by chandab

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  1. chandab

    Delilah Update

    She shouldn't have any oats if she's had a laminitic episode; the high starch could cause another episode. If she is chonky, she should only get a control amount of low carb hay, preferably in a slow feeder of some sort and either a ration balancer or vitamin mineral supplement to fill in the...
  2. chandab

    who likes to watch rfdtv

    I used to watch it more, but they changed their line-up, and the programs I used to watch aren't on at a convenient time for me, so I haven't watched in quite some time.
  3. chandab

    2025 Crafting thread...

    Thank you. It could be; the back is iron print, so still sewing theme.
  4. chandab

    New Horse

    Only thing I can say about winter weather, other than we have too much, at least we are in February, so closer to spring than fall right now.
  5. chandab

    2025 Crafting thread...

    I saw a pic of a pattern for a sewing machine cover on a website, didn't buy the pattern, but wrote down the finished dimensions (which is evidently for a larger machine than mine), and winged it, and made this sewing machine cover.
  6. chandab

    2025 Crafting thread...

    I upgraded my nearly 50 year old machine that my dad bought my mom in '75 or '76. I got a Janome mechanical machine, as I'm in the sticks and repair shops are few and far between, I thought another mechanical would be my best option. While all I do is sew quilt tops on it, I still got a...
  7. chandab

    2025 Crafting thread...

    I have completed 3 projects this year; two were well started, almost done before the end of the year, so I just had to quilt those two and I do not have a picture of either of those, yet; the third, I started and finished yesterday and today on my new machine, I did take a pic. so, here's a pic...
  8. chandab


    We still have winter weather left, so just remember if you clip them, you'll need to blanket them until night time temps are consistently above 50 degrees F. We are quite a bit colder than Oregon and have longer lasting winter weather, I typically don't clip until Mother's Day, but I do not...
  9. chandab

    2025 Crafting thread...

    Just jumping off and starting a new crafting thread for 2025. I have nothing new to share, yet; but hopefully will after I get my paperwork done for the taxman. Happy New Year! Happy Crafting!
  10. chandab

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year!
  11. chandab

    Foal rejection

    FYI - I edited my post, as it should have been "1" rather than "I" dose of banamine. [I do however typically give the mare's a single dose of banamine after foaling to ease pain.]
  12. chandab

    Foal rejection

    Giving banamine helps with the pain, and pain can be one of the major causes of rejection, so 1 dose of banamine after foaling can be beneficial. I'd talk to your vet about when to administer, to ensure it doesn't interfere with "cleaning".
  13. chandab

    2024 crafter's delight - whatcha working on?

    Not a project, but... I got a new sewing machine this year. Still a mechanical machine, I got a Janome with a few more bells and whistles than my old machine. While we usually pay for our own hobbies, hubby bought my machine for me; and I bought the extra accessories.
  14. chandab

    before and after hoof trim

    It's my understanding with dorm gel that they are still aware but "relaxed", I've had a couple that only needed dorm gel for one or two trims, and then good going forward. [I have one that was born here that just hates having her hooves done, she has some problem hooves, so that doesn't help...
  15. chandab

    New Horse

    Back in the 90s when I was in college and black and white pintos were all the rage; I boarded my horses up the road from a guy that thought he'd get rich raising black and whites, he bought up anything and everything black and white with a uterus at the local sale yard and tried to raise black...