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  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to LostandFound's post in the thread Learned Helplessness with Like Like.
    My horses are all different with their halters on and without. That is why we halter them for farrier work, worming, ect. According to...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread The Funnies! with Haha Haha.
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread Billy with Like Like.
    You are taking real good care of him also! It's nice that Rusty is there with him. Enlightening information on medication tablets, when...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread Billy with Love Love.
    The vet gave me some insight into equiox. A quarter of a tablet can sometimes not contain a quarter of the medication. The tablet has...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to Dreams of Ashes's post in the thread Billy with Like Like.
    Oh no, that is scary and well, upsetting, it's so hard, I wish they could talk and tell us what hurts. I've not done that with a horse...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to 1roadtoad's post in the thread Billy with Like Like.
    I'm also sending positive energy in Billy's direction and yours too. At one point you thought you might check him for Lyme's but you...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to MaryFlora's post in the thread Billy with Like Like.
    I’m so sorry Marsha. My heart and prayers are with you, Billy, and your vet that doesn’t want to give up!
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread Billy with Sad Sad.
    Vet said his issue is not neurological. It is joint. I helped him up 3 times yesterday. Last night I checked on him and he was down but...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread Billy with Like Like.
    I'm so sorry to hear this. Praying the different drug will work and it does arrive soon! My thoughts and arms surround you and Billy...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread Billy with Sad Sad.
    Billy was down this morning. I could tell he had been down a while and struggled to get up. I put his halter on and was able to get...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread Do solid tires last? with Like Like.
    My sister has solid wheels on her cart. They would probably outlast you. I have tires with heavy duty tubes with slime. The only...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to minihorse's post in the thread 2025 Crafting thread... with Like Like.
    I was making an extra large afghan for a granddaughter's redecorated room. She requested yarn with these colors.
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread 2025 Crafting thread... with Love Love.
    I wear the heels out on my socks. Instead of throwing them away, I had the idea to make sock cats. I will try a sock dog next time.
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread 2025 Crafting thread... with Love Love.
    I made some ATC (artist trading cards) using images cut from the Mousekins books. I decided to incorporate one into a slow-stitch...
  • Dragon Hill
    Dragon Hill reacted to Standards Equine's post in the thread I Did a Thing... with Love Love.
    I saw a post from last year come up where we'd broken out the brand-new harness and plowed part of the field with a pallet. This year...