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  • JuliaM
    JuliaM reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread Jeffrey’s update. with Haha Haha.
    Thank you. I'm thankful for whoever did the prior training I think I'm refreshing his memory.:) I'm also waiting for him to greet me...
  • JuliaM
    JuliaM reacted to Standards Equine's post in the thread Jeffrey’s update. with Like Like.
    Lovely work! You should feel very proud of yourself for what you've accomplished already! And once he's feeling comfortable around...
  • JuliaM
    JuliaM reacted to Kelly's post in the thread Jeffrey’s update. with Like Like.
    It sounds like you are making wonderful progress, that’s awesome! He is so stinking cute!! 💕💕 He’ll get there, he has an awesome...
  • JuliaM
    JuliaM reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread Jeffrey’s update. with Love Love.
    I've had Jeffrey since April 11th. We are becoming friends. :D I still leave the halter on. I don't think I could catch him otherwise...
  • JuliaM
    JuliaM reacted to NoahG's post in the thread Aggie with Love Love.
    Hello Everyone, I am writing to update all of you on Aggie's health. Ever since her visit to San Luis Rey, she has done nothing but...
  • JuliaM
    JuliaM reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread Billy with Love Love.
    I hosted garden club today. I left Billy out to see if he would socialize or stand aloof. As soon as he saw all those potential...