Update sorry so late but been having my gabby who has been sick so not much time.........
Zeyna test says foaling should happen within 12 hours soooooo we will see............
Thank you all Bree decided to foal tonight with little warning and yes MistyMom my daughter is doing great alittle sore but she's getting around here's a pic.....or two lol I just love this little guy he's such a ham.....
Update Zeyna still testing ready and Bree alittle behind her but Bree is 334 days so both could go at any time
.......here's Lottie's filly pics........
Ok new pics
Lottie has moved into first with Zeyna in second and Bree still third....but Bree is 333 days and after rebooking at last years pics she is at the point where she foaled last years soooo it's anybody's game........
Lottie been acting strange today, Zeyna( lil miss perfect ****s) has the biggest ****s DD and Bree will she's bringing up the rear. Here are pics
Lottie been acting strange today, Zeyna( lil miss perfect ****s) has the biggest ****s DD and Bree will she's bringing up the rear. Here are pics
New pics from today.....I don't know who will go first but they better wait till new cam arrives....one cam I sent working so had to order new one so cam 3 will be up soon
So outside mares are here.................
Cam 1 is Lottie she was pastured bred so no date but she has dropped and bags are filling fast.....here's her pic