Mark & Sharon Bullington

Miniature Horse Talk Forums

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I have been an equine events announcer for around 25 years. Sharon is a AMHR/ASPC/ASPR Show Steward, a most able ring steward and works in show offices as well. I have announced AMHR Nationals, The Shetland Congress, AMHA Nationals, and virtually all miniature horse shows in the Pacific Northwest for the last 16 years. Sharon and I both showed horses as well - in 1998 I was 9th at AMHA Nationals in Gentlemans Roadster. We enjoy all the people we meet at various horse shows around the US and Canada.
Nov 7, 1955 (Age: 69)
Salem, Oregon


Mark & Sharon Bullington

Bullington Enterprises

"Voice of the Equine Industry"

Show Announcer - Show Services
