Recent content by MartysMom

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  1. MartysMom

    Mine with choke and aspirating

    How is your little guy doing? Our mini (who has a floppy esophagus already known from endoscopy) has been making harsh breathing sounds this week. Our vet mentioned this as a possibility, and after hearing him make some honking noises after a pasture gallop today I am of course making myself...
  2. MartysMom

    Equispot/Tick treatment

    Thanks - I see our Tractor Supply has that, I'll look for it.
  3. MartysMom

    Equispot/Tick treatment

    p.s. Here's a photo of the little bugger coming out of sedation from his dental work the other day :)
  4. MartysMom

    Equispot/Tick treatment

    Hi everyone - we've had really good luck with Equispot drop-on permethrin for ticks with our big horses. I was looking to see if we could use it for a mini but the directions I see online say not for ponies, minis, or donkeys. Does anyone use anything similar on their small ones? Marty's had...
  5. MartysMom

    Allergic reactions

    We also use this for our horses. 1 pill (10 mg) per 100 lbs of horse, can do twice a day. The big horses get 10 pills twice a day, Marty (250 lb) gets 3 twice a day.
  6. MartysMom

    Clipping for summer?

    I guess I have a mental image of little furry Shetlands, but I’m new to the mini /pony world so maybe I’m wrong 🙂 I think Marty is in a good place nutritionally for a toothless old man, we have him on the Smart Itch Ease from SmartPak which has omega 3’s and various other things in it, his skin...
  7. MartysMom

    Clipping for summer?

    That’s Interesting thanks. Aside from the coat he is doing great ( body weight, muscle, thirst, etc). I do think Marty looks pretty Shetland like so I don’t want to read too much into his fur if that’s the only sign.
  8. MartysMom

    Clipping for summer?

    No worries. His blood work in the fall was borderline and we kept him at the same dose since he clinically looked well. I’ll keep an eye on him a bit longer.
  9. MartysMom

    Clipping for summer?

    Thanks! I know he was clipped last year but that was before his Cushings was found. I won’t worry too much!
  10. MartysMom

    Clipping for summer?

    Could I ask, do you all notice your little ones shed at different times or differently than big horses? Our big ones are already well underway with shedding but little Marty hasn’t started at all. He otherwise seems well but I’m not sure if this is a sign his Pergolide needs to be adjusted.
  11. MartysMom

    Hoof abscess or laminitis?

    Poor little Aggie. Our vets recommend the poultices for abscess, the Epsom salt based ones that smell minty, inside a hoof wrap. Hope she is better soon.
  12. MartysMom

    How's the Weather ?

    Sure did! He really doesn’t love the frozen ground so has been galloping gleefully through the mud the last few days, bucking, rearing, and rolling nonstop lol.
  13. MartysMom

    How's the Weather ?

    We had a warm day yesterday (50’s) and I took Marty’s blanket off. Went out to feed at night and was going to put his blanket back on but he was such a wet muddy mess! I think he enjoyed himself. Hopefully he is dry enough when I get home that I can brush and blanket again before it drops to the...
  14. MartysMom

    My Mini is really sick

    How is the little fellow this morning? Hope he is doing better and you’re getting some answers.
  15. MartysMom

    My Mini is really sick

    Poor little thing. We are also in New England but I suspect once the tests were sent out vet would start doxycycline or something similar while waiting for results (anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Lyme). I think if the tick is still attached it might be too soon for that bite to have made him so sick...