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  1. NoahG

    Who is expecting foals in 2025?

    Holy cow that's a lot of babies! Happy foaling!
  2. NoahG

    Oh Jeez. Need Opinions 😬

    I second this. Was watching a friend's mare who looked like she had at least a few days to go. Only reason I stayed to watch was her milk went from amber to thick white in less than 6 hours. She foaled 45 minutes after I checked.
  3. NoahG

    Happy Ponies

    Just a little collection of pictures. The minis are finally healthy again and enjoying their new home.
  4. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm going to watch him a couple of days and see what changes and if the swelling comes back. Vet lives literally a quarter mile from where the minis are so he's pretty flexible with field visits.
  5. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    By the end of the day the edema disappeared. Between his rampage around the property and him and Aggie getting to play with the neighbors pony that swelling was completely gone!
  6. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    So Winston just got loose and it took forever to catch him. I have never seen him move so fast. I had him cornered but he actually bucked and pretended to kick at me. At least he has immense energy.
  7. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    That's what I'm worried about. Winston has never been difficult with any vet. However, this morning Aggie looked absolutely traumatized and wouldn't let me near her. I'm afraid my vet misunderstood and tried catching her instead. She especially needs me there for the vet. Time to blow another...
  8. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    As of this morning Winston has swelling on his sheath. Time to have the vet check him for a 3rd time. I guess I need to be here when the vet comes so Winston doesn't freak out.
  9. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    Vet was not able to catch Winston since I wasn't there and said he was "fine." I obviously want something more in depth done. Just the edema on his belly last I checked. I'll see how he is this morning.
  10. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    I admittedly have been busy with work and haven't walked them as much as I should. I'll try for more exercise, especially with Winston. He hasn't reacted to the thyroid medicine the same way Aggie has. She's full of energy, Winston less so. No fever, and his eyes are bright and he has good poop...
  11. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    Hey everyone, I come bearing yet more not great news on Winston. About a week ago I noticed what felt like a small lump under Winston's belly, and the vet was out yesterday and when I mentioned it to him he briefly checked it and said it could be Pigeon Fever. I checked it again today and it's...
  12. NoahG

    Preparing wild land for minis

    This all happened literally a week before I was supposed to move them to our property. Got a call from my vet when I was back up in San Luis Obispo. I do have a vet lined up but I feel horrible. While they're dealing with their thyroid and Winston's cushings, I still really want to move them up...
  13. NoahG

    Preparing wild land for minis

    So bad news everyone. Winston has Cushings. He's also anemic, and on top of that him and Aggie both have poor thyroid function. I feel horrible. He's been lethargic lately but I thought it was just the hot weather. We'll see what's next here.
  14. NoahG

    Preparing wild land for minis

    Thank you everyone for your advice. Our neighbor who leases our land for his horses is willing to let me keep my minis in one of his pastures. Problem at least temporarily solved!
  15. NoahG

    Preparing wild land for minis

    This area in particular along the CA coast has a chilly, damp climate. Shelter for the minis and a shed for hay is on the top of my list. Our neighbors lease some of the land and keep their horses on natural dirt with plants and shrubs with zero issues but I'll talk with them.