Recent content by Roxane Martin

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  1. R

    Timing of spring shots and deworming

    It's time to do the 5-day, 2X Panacur deworming, which I do yearly in early Spring. But it's also time for spring vaccinations, which I split into two sets due to reactions (EWT, then WN/Rabies). What would be a good recommendation of timing between the shots and the deworming? Would it be a...
  2. R

    miniature horses with a miniature donkey?

    A 4 month old jenny was brought into an established herd of 5 minis (geldings and mares). There was trouble integrating her into the mix for about 6 months and we had to keep her separate, with gradual time spent with specific ones who tolerated her better than others. Two of them chased hard...
  3. R

    Minis and Vaccinations

    I have a mare that doesn't like shots in her neck due to skin tests there for allergies, and now that's where she gets her allergy shots. We did vaccinations in the pectoral muscles (they get "****s"). She didn't like the butt shot and kicked, so for safety of vet, we don't do there.
  4. R

    Breakaway tying for minis in trailer

    Thanks, ladies, for your replies. Minimor--Thank you for clearing up what panic snaps do, and don't do. I knew it, but had forgotten it. I have a 16 foot stock trailer that I haul one mini and our cart (yeah, I know, overkill). There are no dividers other than the center gate. I tie Teddy...
  5. R

    Breakaway tying for minis in trailer

    I have used a panic snap for tying my 38 inch mini in my stock trailer. But that is designed for the pull of a "regular" horse and I wonder if it would give way for a mini? I think most about being in an accident with the trailer and would want the lead to give way, rather than have him hang...
  6. R

    How do you stop a runaway in cart

    I think it will also depend upon the environment you are in. My mare bucked and bolted while in an arena, so I had someplace to control her. I was concerned about circling as I had an easy entry cart and did not want to be thrown from it. She was so ADHD and sensitive to harness due to...
  7. R

    Clipping just for fall outings

    Seeking clipping hints from those who keep their driving minis outside in winter. Background--Driving mini, Teddy, is now starting to shed out summer coat and grow in winter coat, although not bad (we live in NE PA). I drive up through early-mid Oct and then not again until spring. In the...
  8. R

    Bucks County Horse Park Sunday Fun drive

    I've gone to this a couple of years now. Definitely a relaxed day, but some "dress" requirements are listed on the website. Drive a cones class, then an obstacle class, then you can drive about 2 miles on fairly level trails/dirt roads, which is a "poker ride". Fun time. Has ribbons.
  9. R

    Different types of driving?

    JMS Miniatures gave lots of good examples for AMHR shows. You can also drive in club shows or any ADS (or similar) shows. More and more shows are opening up to having mini (called VSE for Very Small Equine) classes. Our Keystone Miniature Horse Club shows have a mix of in-hand halter, games...
  10. R

    Trailer for mini and driving cart

    I have hauled my mini free in the front part, but generally have him tied by the center gate so he has something to lean against for balance. I've read multiple versions of the "tied versus loose" here and there are pros and cons to both. Once we get where we are going, then I put in a water...
  11. R

    I need help choosing a driving bit?

    Tell us how he likes it. The mini I now drive, Teddy, was used to a mullen mouth wrapped with latex bit wrap. I tried a French link, also wrapped, and he didn't really care for it, so back to the mullen I went. You could try the latex wrap to give some feel, but it does slime up the bit and I...
  12. R

    Trailer for mini and driving cart

    I also use a bumper pull aluminum stock trailer with my mini (38") in the front part and cart etc. in the back. I have used foam pipe covers to cover the shafts and slide them thru the upper slats. I also use the ATV ramps to get the cart into the trailer when I'm by myself. I pull it with a...
  13. R

    Where to find numbers for cones?

    Our club is looking for numbers that we can use for various cones courses (numbered cones, obstacle, etc.). We would like to keep to using red for right, white for left. I have seen some at other events that could be set beside the cones and thus angle for optimal viewing from the course...
  14. R

    How to De-Sensitize a Mini for Future Parades?

    That sounds great to take them to things like shopping malls, but I worry about liability. Since the very reason you are taking the mini to these places is to get them used to things, and you don't know how they will react, I would worry about opening up a liability can of worms if someone got...
  15. R

    To Blanket or not to blanket?

    I have been trying to decide if I should do a partial clip for my driving mini. He'll be driven off and on thru the winter (live in NE Penn) and the main reason would be for the sweating and cooldown. When he gets hot, his energy really sags. But he is outside full time with the others and...