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  1. slonewbt

    Accessories For Sale 2 horse mini horse hauler by Bob

    Its a longshot…but do you still have this horse hauler for sale?
  2. slonewbt

    Hello from Southern California

    Welcome, Noah! I'm in California too! Minis are the greatest. I've had several full sized horses over the years but I think I have more fun with my minis than I did with them! I currently have 4 ...all of them drive. They are such characters! I hope your dream of having some minis comes true...
  3. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    UPDATE: I started giving him some alfalfa/teff cubes and lowered the amount of Zero fed. He is wearing a grazing muzzle and I'm feeding on swept mats....also giving him more turnout time with his muzzle and so far he seems to be doing better!
  4. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    The only place who carries it here is Tractor Supply and they are terrible at keeping things in stock so I hesitate to go solely into something that may not be in ready supply. I'm going to go ahead and give him some soaked alfalfa/teff cubes along with the Zero. Zero is so low in starch, a...
  5. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    I might have to revisit triple crown. When I was looking for a balancer and complete feed, my guy wouldn’t touch any of their products. It was really frustrating!
  6. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    I gave him a few soaked alfalfa/teff cubes this morning and reduced his zero by a bit to compensate. The zero is SOOOO low in starch I think using a few cubes that might be a little higher should still be overall well below the recommended level for a cushings horse (at least I hope so)...
  7. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    Right? my other minis are no trouble at all but this guy has been a handful to take care of. Never a dull moment with this one! He's super sweet though. :)
  8. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    When we first started battling the cushings/laminitis flare early this year, I tried beet pulp and he wouldn't touch it...he went off feed completely when I tried to add even a little bit to his normal ration. He's picky too. sigh....
  9. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    Zero is a complete feed and, although it is best utilized in conjunction with forage, I was told it can be fed alone. My little guy quids and can’t/wont eat long stem hay. He does okay with soaked cubes. I was feeding alfalfa/teff cubes but that is when he got laminitic so was told to get him...
  10. slonewbt

    Ideas for bored minis??

    lol!!!! do they actually play with them? I have a bunch of new dog toys!
  11. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    lol. Which C word? We’ve got cushings and colic. 😬😭
  12. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    He’s eating Hygain Zero along with a cushings supplement (cushings-S from balancedeco solutions) and an immune builder supplement every 3 days. Vet and farrier are very happy with his progress (we almost lost him due to severe laminitis in march). I give him a handful of orchard grass...
  13. slonewbt

    Ideas for bored minis??

    Good point. He’s also cushings and on a restricted diet due to recent laminitis. Lots of issues w this guy. 😒😢
  14. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    He's 21 and has always been one of the more sensitive/problematic minis. I've only had him since January and since then we've discovered the cushings (prior owner had no clue but I noticed he acted a bit different than any other mini's I've had and was drinking alot so had him tested), we had a...
  15. slonewbt

    Woke up to colic this morning.

    hahaha...I asked the vet the same question. He said there are mixed studies on whether or not it really does anything. He thought in mild cases it probably does some good as a maintenance thing but some horses just ingest and build up sand. In theory it sounds good, right?