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  1. Lmequine

    Our Congress Results

    CONGRATULATIONS to you and Jessica on a great show! Saw you in the ring several times (OMG, Pow Wow is looking really good in harness now, the lessons really paid off with him) and the ponies ALL looked great. Glad that Sister found a new show home too.
  2. Lmequine

    New Image Show- Des Moines, IA

    Talked to Sandy Grabow this morning and she wanted to assure everyone that the New Image ASPC/AMHR Show that will be held in Des Moines, IA on June 19-21 has over 100 entries. If you are looking at the show numbers on horsestudbook it does not show that because all of the information has not...
  3. Lmequine

    PMC classes for ponies

    Your mare is certainly not too old to show. Many older ponies go into the showring and WIN! As long as you are comfortable with your mare then get into the ring and enjoy her. Some shows offer more PMC classes than others for ponies. If you do not see the class you want to compete in, just ask...
  4. Lmequine

    Super Gelding

    We (the committee members) are excited to see so much interested in the ASPC/AMHR Gelding program. Unfortunately the BOD tabled our final approval until the fall board meeting which means we will not be able to enact the program until the 2010 show season. In the meantime you can checkout our...
  5. Lmequine

    Sweet Opals Big OLE BRAG!!!!

    That is AWESOME!!! Congrats! They are both really neat ponies and I know that it has to be just amazing to get TWO Pony Of The Year titles in ONE year!!
  6. Lmequine

    I'm interested in hearing it from both sides

    In the state of Texas any equine changing hands must have a current negative coggins test. My father-in-law sold an old grade pony for a couple of hundred dollars several years ago. The pony had been on his property for several years and his coggins had ran out of date (they are good for 12...
  7. Lmequine

    World Show Funding Re-Instated

    Please email or call the BOD members and let them know your feelings about the Ohio State Fair World show (contact all board members and not just your area representative). The conference call is to be on December 2nd to make a decision on the issue. Like most people I was shocked at the amount...
  8. Lmequine

    Finding a pony broke to ride

    Eldon McCall has the perfect little mare for your daughter. A nice silver dapple that was used for riding lessons this summer. Checkout Wa-Full Nuisance Jewel on his ale page. I just saw her this past weekend and she is a nice little mare. Bubbles is also super friendly and pretty as well.
  9. Lmequine

    Are there any buckskin ponies?

    I just hauled in a very pretty buckskin ASPC stallion from IA to TX. Dust Buster O.K. is at least 43" tall and is now owned by Jeanne Zander of Bar Z Ranch in Brenham, TX. I have shown several buckskins with one going HOF in halter, Cheg -Kim's Pass The Buck, he is 45". Don Chegwidden has the...
  10. Lmequine

    IAMHA Auction going on NOW

    I was also at the Texas show in Corsicana so could not attend. It is hard for new sales to draw in people. It really takes two to three years to get a sale established. I do think that the timing of this sale was not the best. Here in Area V we had 3 shows in October, immediately followed by...
  11. Lmequine

    "R" National Disquailifications

    Thanks Belinda! I was in the process of typing the same thing about the minutes and the closed session. Glad that you beat me to it!
  12. Lmequine

    Trainers Auction

    I was wondering what the grand total was for the auction and glad to hear that we went over that $10,000 mark. I enjoyed getting to be "Vanna White" and help get bids on the items up for sale and I look forward to helping again next year! I did end up with one item from the sale (a dog...
  13. Lmequine

    Genetics and Aging in Minis

    I do think that longevity is related to bloodlines but I do not know if any scientific studies to back that up. I have seen it in several breeds. I have a 23 yr old Shetland broodmare that is not really halter broke. She is fat as can be and she has never had vaccinations, never had her teeth...
  14. Lmequine

    North Texas Pony Sale

    With the show schedule for Area V and the popularity of the facility in Sulphur Springs we are pretty much locked in the first Saturday of October. I did have a few people come over from the World show and they left with a nice Shetland weanling show prospect but I know that others had classes...
  15. Lmequine

    North Texas Pony Sale

    [ 15 were PO's I know that some of the prices in the $801 to the $1,000 range were the miniature donkeys as it seems like they brought more money than the mini horses did. The OFFICIAL prices are listed on the website. There were 14 PO's in the ring and two of those sold after the sale (one...
  16. Lmequine

    Price this horse

    $2500 to $4500 on a private sale, (he would bring less at an auction). I know that is a pretty broad range but depending on your area and how much advertising you do that would be the expected market price. He should more readily sell in the $1500 to $2500 range (which is a "gelding" price to...
  17. Lmequine

    North Texas Pony Sale

    The entire sale results are posted at the website. Just go to This year's sale average was $427, about $90 less than last year (average of $520). Our highest sale average was $557 in 2002 and the lowest in 2006 at $340. The high seller was lot 47, a grade Shetland...
  18. Lmequine

    North Texas Pony Sale

    Complete sale results for the sale are now online at Thank you to everyone for supporting the sale this year!
  19. Lmequine

    North Texas Pony Sale

    If you get a chance stop by and say "hi"! I will be the nervous one hoping that we have buyers show up. Most all of the ponies and minis were in the barn when I left at 9 tonight. We have some nice ones this year and lot of color. The sale office will be open at 9 in the morning for bidders...
  20. Lmequine

    Chickasha Auction...Low prices, definatelty a buyer sale

    Thanks for posting the prices. Our North Texas Pony Sale will be held this Saturday in Sulphur Springs, TX. We are selling 110 head of AMHR, ASPC, AMHA, NSP, POA, AQPA and grade ponies and ADMS miniature donkeys at the sale. I have done a lot of advertising and built a good website for the sale...