I will be getting my entries in the mail tomorrow. Bringing three minis and six Shetlands and looking forward to a pork chop sandwich for lunch on Saturday!!
Congrats on the new filly! She is very nice looking. Did you happen to see Woodland Acres Hawks Amarillo Sky sell? He is a pinto yearling stallion. He looked like a nice colt in the online photos. Thanks! The same people also had a cute looking sorrel gelding in the sale.
I am hosting our North...
A mini the size of your guy can safely carry up to about 40 lbs but he will be more comfortable with less weight than that. He would be best suited for leadline for chidren say 5 yrs and younger (of course depending on their weight), so he would be considered for toddlers. He would probably be...
Dennis and Sharon are offering 12 ponies in the North Texas Pony Sale that will be held on October 4 in Sulphur Springs, TX. They have sent me photos of two of their consignments. You can check out the website at www.northtexasponysale.com
Contact Nancy Krumm from Odyssey Stables (www.odysseystables.com). She has some very well bred moderns that have a lot of motion. She may want to sell one of her breeding aged stallions. Also Jackie Tyler has a really nice three year old black sabino modern stallion that she might part with. He...
Blue roans or other shades of roan are not really rare but many breeders do not breed for that color anymore and those that do breed for the color do not really show or do not show much. I have a blue roan mare and bay roan stallion and sold a chestnut roan filly this year. Phyllis Hopwood in NE...
I have checked into this and currently registered B shetlands WILL be able to show in classic classes.
Kindest Regards,
That is also what I was told by the office today that when making my show entries that are due tomorrow if I have a B papered pony that I want to show as a classic...
That is exactly what happened. The BOD members got an agenda a week before the meeting and one of the topics listed was A + A = B. Who the heck was suppose to know what that meant??
The only problem with this (breeding only foundation sealed ponies to foundation seal ponies) is there was no warning of the change. I have three foundation mares in their mid-twenties that I do not have foundation sealed. I could not see paying to have that done and then them never producing...
There are several breeders that have B papered ponies that are bred to B papered ponies and those foals will also be B papered. Until those die out or people stop breeding B to B then there are always going to be some B papered ponies, at least in my lifetime. I think that theoretically...
I looked back at my photos and the colt I was thinking about was not Frank, it was one of Frank's relatives!
Are you going to breed him to any mares in 2008? I am dying to see what sort of colors he will sire!
I thought that the commercial sucked....besides the biting issue I KNOW that I will now have some first time buyers thinking that they can keep a pony chained up! I would be happy to call and complain if anyone finds the number to call!
Again the idea sounds interesting (especially the prize money) but even with coming into a show two days in advance that would still leave a trainer like me with stabling 10 to 12 head of client ponies and keeping them ready to show. I travel alone so always have a lot of work to do at a show...
Thanks for the genetic update on Frank, Lewella! When he was a foal I could have sworn that he had red tips on his ears but that must be another white that I am thinking of...Frank's dam is a black based either gray or blue roan. That is so interesting about the different gene...where can Jill...
Lisa's stallion is white. He is a maximum expressed red roan sabino pinto. I have had several of the pure white ponies that I have shown out of similar bloodlines. When bred some will produce all white but usually you get some form of sabino pinto.
Wayne Williams from Peaceful Acres has white...
Squire is just ADORABLE! He really seems to have it all and the arabian head to boot.
Thanks! He has a really nice head and usually puts a dish and a tiny muzzle on all of his foals no matter what the mare's head is like. Even my foals by modern mares have had refined heads, although usually...