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  1. Ferrah

    Will either of these jackets work for driving?

    Actually palomino is considered an "neutral" color, so just about anything can go with them.
  2. Ferrah

    Will either of these jackets work for driving?

    What color is your horse? That can sometimes make a difference for what color coat you choose. If I had to pick one right now...I'd pick the first one.
  3. Ferrah

    What do you guys think?

    Wow...that spun out of control rather quickly. What a shame. :no:
  4. Ferrah

    Jail Break!

    Today I decided I was going to start cleaning out my minis paddock. It has been thawing out, so some new buried treasures are surfacing, and it's time to remove them. So I go into Spyder and Cinnabar's pen with my wheelbarrow and I latch the gate by putting the chain on a nail. Then I start...
  5. Ferrah

    My poor bunny

    :aktion033: Just letting you all know the vet had called and Dusty pulled through the surgery like a champ. The two kits she still had inside came out alive! (an outcome we were not expecting!) We are far from being out of the woods yet though. Dusty is sore and grumpy and has been showing...
  6. Ferrah

    My poor bunny

    I have been breeding and raising Holland Lop rabbits for 8+ years and have never experienced anything like this. My prized Holland Lop brood doe, Dusty had three healthy kits at 7 AM. I palpated her (as I always do) afterwards to make sure there were no "leftovers" and unfortuneatly there...
  7. Ferrah

    Sheep Experts

    Telling when a ewe will lamb by bag size can be misleading. Ours usually lambed anywhere from 2 days to two weeks after bagging up. But we did notice that the ewe's formed reliable patterns, once we knew how far in advance they bagged up before lambing, they stuck to it year after year. The...
  8. Ferrah

    Name suggestions please

    I would call him Ivan
  9. Ferrah


    There is an article about Miniature Horse twins in the winter edition of Miniature World Showcase.
  10. Ferrah

    Clipper blades

    Laube for me, they lasted a lot longer than my Andis and Wahl blades.
  11. Ferrah

    Face Recognition

    Try this face recognition site, to find out what celebrities you resemble. It's really funny
  12. Ferrah

    Opinions on my big horses chances in halter class.

    I showed on the AQHA circuit a lot and used to do a ton of halter showing. This a very nice mare, really...but for riding classes. I would not hesitate to show this mare in trail or horsemanship or showmanship. But i wouldn't put her in halter, IMO. If you want to know why she might not...
  13. Ferrah

    My New Colt!

    Wow. He is so adorable! I love his dark "raccoon" eyes.
  14. Ferrah

    Tell me about Haflingers?

    My first pony was a Haflinger when I was about seven years old. He was a really great horse, and a great babysitter. I find Halfingers to be naturally curious, loveable and gentle. Babysitting comes naturally to them. I have never in my life seen a Haflinger that was uncontrollable or...
  15. Ferrah

    Driving Training Questions

    I have my two new carts and harnesses on order and I am really excited to get them. I am getting a regular easy entry cart and a Jerald cart. I have a few questions about driving training for my horse. I keep his sessions short and only once to three times a week. I try to do other types of...
  16. Ferrah

    How long do clipper blades last you? Bunch of Q's.

    I did five spring clips with one #10 blade last spring. I bathed the horses thoroughly and rinsed them very thoroughly. Then I sprayed the heck outta them with show sheen. I oil, use coolant spray and use bladewash often while I am clipping. I am convinced this is why my blades seem to last...
  17. Ferrah

    Anyone out there know about.....sheep

    Sheep can't get founder, but they are prone to bloat if they are allowed to gorge on fresh spring grass or you change their diet too suddenly. And there is a breed of sheep that doesn't need shearing at all. They are called Barbados Black Belly and they are really quite neat looking. Instead...
  18. Ferrah

    Amateur Card

    I am applying for my AMHA amatuer card but I am not sure what Level 1 and Level 2 means. What is this? What level do I put?
  19. Ferrah

    Anyone out there know about.....sheep

    Most sheep won't stay in hot wire. Wool is a good insulator, so they don't feel the shock! Shari is right, sheep can't have any copper as it can poison them. Sheep need a hoof trim once or twice a year, but the foot shears cost only about $15, and the hoof trimming is quite simple to do...
  20. Ferrah

    Prayers for Charm please?????

    Sending prayers for both you and Charm. I hope he feels better soon.