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  1. Warpony

    Can i have some opinion on my ponies please..

    I agree. He is also VERY much the type I like which I rarely if ever see in the show ring. The only thing that I don't care for is that he seems a little long bodied in proportion to his neck and leg length compared to my ideal horse, but since I have a mare that is built like a dachshund that...
  2. Warpony

    Stallion That Has Been Gelded

    My vet said 60 days if I was concerned about him still having viable sperm. She said he would likely be safe after 30 days, but she always recommended 60 days just to be sure. So if your concern is that he might still be able to breed them according to my vet you should be able to turn them out...
  3. Warpony

    Kepping horses warm

    If he actually shivering? If not, then it is probably not bothering him and that is why he is out in it. Unless mine start to shiver I just don't worry about it. They always look soaking wet but if I actually go out there and look at them they are dry at the skin, it is just all the surface hair...
  4. Warpony

    It came from the hay.....

    I've found more snakes than I can count. But the worst thing I ever found was when I worked at a HUGE farm that had like 80 full sized horses in boarding and another 65 or 70 race horses there that used our indoor to train babies so they could race as 2 year olds (do NOT get me started). Twice a...
  5. Warpony

    Baking Soda.

    I was told this about 25 years ago, and the reason for it working that I was given was that it settled their stomach like taking alkaseltzer (sp?). Never tried it, but I have heard of it.
  6. Warpony

    Favorite Mini Horse Magazine

    I'd also love something more like "EQUUS" or "Horse Illustrated" but geared towards mini horses. I do not show. I have not renewed my membership in any registry because I won't have any work that needs to be done for another year or two (and unless I sell, none after that). The Journal has about...
  7. Warpony

    Have you noticed any differances?

    I highly recommend this. I feed pellets, but when I can't get them I feed shreds. I have discovered that even pellets from the same company can vary quite a bit, so feeding by weight is the only way i can be sure they are actually getting the same amount every day. And yes, even the same amount...
  8. Warpony

    Rob & Big on tonight at Mini Show

    I did too. I was just too embarrassed to admit it. Actually, I felt a tingle at that point but then as they were leaving when Rob bent down and kinda hugged the little guy and was telling him basically how even though he didn't get a first he was still a champion to them... THAT was when I...
  9. Warpony

    Anyone use D.E.?

    Same here. I do know a man who fed it to his cows with great results but I was a child and can not remember how much he fed or anything else. I believe there are products out there prepared specifically to be fed to animals as a calcium supplement and to prevent worms. As much as I like using...
  10. Warpony

    Little Training Question

    I work over ground poles to build up the chest, and also do hills (which also builds up the back end, so two birds with one stone). Basically anything that gets them really lifting those front legs and using those chest muscles. I also work in water, shallow sand or loose mud when I can.... but...
  11. Warpony

    Rob & Big on tonight at Mini Show

    I'd never seen this show before but I set it to DVR when I went to bed because I saw you all mention it, and I just finished watching it. I have to admit, I cracked up. Galloping through the hotel halls had me just ROLLING with laughter.
  12. Warpony

    hard time finding a harness

    Even used you will be hard pressed to find a safe harness for $100. If you can go up to $200 you stand a MUCH better chance of finding something safe and usable.
  13. Warpony

    What should I have done differently?

    A warning about pepper spray, if you get it PLEASE make sure your horse is used to the hissing sound of an aerosol can, otherwise you will simply be adding to the already frightening experience by having this loud hissing spraying sound added to the terrifying barking of the dogs. I, um...
  14. Warpony

    its about 30 below with the wind chill

    I don't. I only put them in if it is cold AND they are getting wet. They have a 14x28 area of the barn they can go into and out of if they want to, and right now they are running around annoying each other and playing outside instead of staying in out of the cold wind... so it must not be...
  15. Warpony

    Conformation critique please

    A horse is a horse, no matter the size, so I hold all of mine to the same standards whether they are full sized or mini. The same things that make a full sized horse more likely to perform well and stay sound apply to mini horses as well... at least that is what I believe. I really like your...
  16. Warpony

    The Expert Novice

    .... that was a joy to read, not just for the content but also for the writing style. You rarely see words put together so nicely anymore.... which is a shame.
  17. Warpony

    Bell Drops

    It's also known as "deadly nightshade". I had to search for "belladonna toxicity" to get what I was looking for when I searched, lol.
  18. Warpony

    Bell Drops

    eek. I'd be careful about giving that without a veterinarians supervision. Belladonna and Aconite are both things I'd be REALLY hesitant to give my critter unless I had my vet standing over my shoulder making sure I had the right dosage. And even then I would be concerned. Seriously, do a...
  19. Warpony

    Alfalfa cubes

    I feed 2% of their body weight measured dry, then soaked, every day. I split it into 2 or 3 feedings. They get other stuff too, though. (Mine are actually the alfalfa/timothy mix cubes when I can get them, but sometime all I can get is the plain alfalfa ones.)
  20. Warpony

    I have a question

    I give 2 to 4 feedings a day and what I do is close one horse inside the stall and leave one out in the paddock. I give them their food, then when the slowest eater is finally finished I turn them back out together. Otherwise my mare gets twice as much food, when in reality she only needs half...