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  1. S

    Miniature Horse Gaurdians

    This is a great topic. I was also wondering about a Mini Donkey or two, if they would be able to handle something like a Coyote or stray dog. We have a fox that runs through every once in a while too, kinda makes the little guys jumpy.. Where we don't have very many right now, we bring our...
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    Sorry to hear, That is sooo sad
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    Large equine and miniatures

    I can just picture this poor little Mini~Ouch~ We have 4 big guys and I would never dream of them sharing the same pasture, I have seen how they run in the pasture with each other, one of the Mini's would be "road kill"..
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    Nippy Problem.

    Wow!! All very great ideas! Yes, he does bite on his lead rope while you are leading him. We don't hand feed him at all. He has gotten to the point if you catch him in time and you speak to him, he will not do it. All My Daughter has to do is say "No Nippy" and he stops, he actually minds...
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    Skowhegan Show in Maine

    Yes, I know where the fair grounds are. Thanks for the infomation..
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    Nippy Problem.

    Our little guy has a very bad nipping problem. We got him Easter week end and he has come a long long way. When he first arrived he would NOT allow us to go up to him in the pasture, took lots of patience coaxing him with grain, so we would pasture him during the day and bring him into his...
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    Skowhegan Show in Maine

    We are just getting into Mini's and would love to go and see what the shows are all about, we do want to get into showing. Where exactly is the show? Thanks so much for the info and would love to meet more Mini owners. We haven't met any from Maine yet.
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    How many horses do YOU have?

    We just started in Nov. 2004 We have 8 already and planning for more 4 Biggies (STB Mare, TB Gelding, Appaloosa Filly, & an old guy~not sure of his breed) 4 Mini's (1 Stallion & 3 girls).. When the bug hits, it hits
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    Hi Everyone, I'm new here.

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome~and boy speaking of warm. Just got done with our Farrier and boy is it hot and humid out there. Need to sit in front of the AC for a minute and than time to go feed up again, never ends, but I LOVE it!! Will post some pictures later on.. I'm going to have...
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    Hi Everyone, I'm new here.

    Is there a special "picture page" I'm a photo freak I have two CD's full already. Plus DVD's..
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    Hi Everyone, I'm new here.

    Wanted to say "Hello". We have recently gotten four wonderful little Mini's and have the bug really really bad. We are having a great time with the little guys. Our Daughter and Niece took two of them for the 4th of July Parade and they were great, like they had always done it. Next training...