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  1. MountainMeadows

    Why do none of the NW AMHR shows offer package deals?

    As has been mentioned, it is VERY expensive to put on a show here in the Pacific NW. Easily $20,000 for a 3 judge show with ribbons and modest trophies. It is imperative that we get support not only in entry fees, but also in sponsorships for these shows to break even. The local clubs that...
  2. MountainMeadows

    Mare bleeding from teats

    I have had that happen once to me and the mare foaled that night. A couple of others in my area had also experienced it and there were no adverse affects, mare foaled, milk came in normal, no other issues. I would be cautious about checking her too frequently at this point, my vet's thought it...
  3. MountainMeadows

    Manx cats

    I think I NEED a Manx kitty! They are just too cool ! ! !
  4. MountainMeadows

    RIP Artie

    ((( Hugs )))) to you Jan - I did not see this post earlier but your FB message brought tears to my eyes. I know only too well how hard you worked to give Artie a wonderful, post surgery life, it isn't easy, but as many have said, it was her time and now she is painfree. Such a double bummer to...
  5. MountainMeadows

    You are going to think I'm a wack-o

    Many years ago a friend of mine had a little mini mare by the name of Gigi that was given to her when she bought a package of horses from some people. This little mare had a bad bite, one blue eye, wasn't a "great" horse, but she was actually very well bred, quite refined and very...
  6. MountainMeadows

    Sphynx cats... Does anyone have one or breed them here?

    Something to consider with the hairless cats - their skin is pretty oily and they need to be bathed frequently - not a fun job!
  7. MountainMeadows

    Bully problem continues

    As well as calling - it would be prudent to put all your feelings & worries in a letter and send it to each School Board member, the principal, all school officials, teachers, etc that are involved in this situation - send the letters CERTIFIED so that there is NO MISTAKE about whether they got...
  8. MountainMeadows

    When you want to save the colostrum from a mare who has lost her foal -

    From what I have been told a newborn miniature foal (about 20 lbs) needs as a minimum 60 cc's of colostrum - the more the better, but 60 cc's is often "adequate" for passive transfer. When I freeze colostrum I freeze it in blocks - an in ice cube trays, that way it will warm up quickly when I...
  9. MountainMeadows


    Hi Kim I can't imagine being able to walk upright with being on MareStare for so long - you truly are a "WonderWoman" Stac
  10. MountainMeadows

    Newbies WAKE UP

    Thanks Desiree - it is nice to know that 30 years of selective breeding does get noticed Stac
  11. MountainMeadows

    constipated foal

    Thanks Dr Taylor - that is my protocol here at our farm. I will say tho, that it is getting harder and harder to find enemas that DON'T have mineral oil -- what brand do you use> Stacy
  12. MountainMeadows

    Wireless Trailer Cameras

    Happy Appy How did you install your system? We have a 3/4T 4-Door Dodge and pull a goosneck 3 horse trailer - Stacy
  13. MountainMeadows

    Embryo Transplant?

    There is a lot to consider - getting all the mares in sync isn't all that easy and will require putting them on drugs to get them coordinated and to help produce multiple follicles. Then there are the ultrasounds to see how the mares are progressing - that all really adds up, collection of the...
  14. MountainMeadows

    Meet our new girl!

    Remember - since she is ASPC only, you must breed her to an ASPC stallion (stallion can ALSO be AMHR/AMHA if he measures) -- and THEN if the foal remains under 38" at age 3 you can hardship. You cannot breed to and AMHR or AMHA stallion and get an AMHR registerable foal - it would be National...
  15. MountainMeadows

    Has anyone seen the recent pictures of Einstein?

    He certainly looks like a dwarf to me BUT people, let's look at the good side of this situation --- he is obviously very much loved, and being very well taken care of. From the looks of things, he will have all the proper care that he will need to live a comfortable life, for as long as that...
  16. MountainMeadows

    Horse Sedation with an Oral Gel (AAEP 2010)

    Would this product be safer to use to sedate a mare to ultrasound for pregnancy? I always ask my vet to sedate, just wondering if this product would get to the fetus and cause any harm
  17. MountainMeadows

    Whos coming to Vegas??

    Does anyone know if it will be on I-Equine?
  18. MountainMeadows

    Would Finally Like To Introduce......

    Pretty boy - we are finally "family" - I have a Captivation son also - RHA Captivations Shadow Walker
  19. MountainMeadows

    Leather barn halters

    Does anyone here have any leads on where I can find some really nice leather barn halters - stiched w/brass rings, etc, similar to what is available for large horses?
  20. MountainMeadows

    How is she looking??

    She is busy snarfing down on her bedding - it might not be a bad idea to change it out into regular hay since eating straw can lead to a nasty colic - sure don't need that!