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  1. MountainMeadows

    Embryo Transfer Minis into Average Sized Horses?

    I know that Joan from Olympian Ranch in Texas had several mares that she worked with for embryo transfer, both into surrogate miniature mares, as well as a full size mare -- I think there was limited success overall, and if I recall, the full size mare had a foal but the cord on the foal was...
  2. MountainMeadows

    Questions about pasture breeding

    Been there, done that - never again. One well placed kick from a cranky mare and your stallion is history
  3. MountainMeadows

    Meadowwood dispersal

    Hi folks Just wondering if anyone followed the Meadowwood dispersal?
  4. MountainMeadows

    What would you like to see changed at AMHR Nationals

    I have shown both Worlds and Nationals and I love them both, but in all probability my future will be more AMHR oriented. I have found that the AMHR National show is a bit more people friendly, a smidge more laid-back, the dinners at night are a great occasion to get together and meet new...
  5. MountainMeadows

    please pray for butter

    Many ((( hugs ))) to both you and Butter - we will continue to send healing thoughts & prayers. It will be interesting to see if Butter wants to be a "loafer" - I know that several of my oldies still want to be mom's irregardless of what kind of toll it will take on their bodies - I love my...
  6. MountainMeadows

    please pray for butter

    Oh NO - not pretty Butter! Geeze Parmela - you have had more than your share of crap come your way lately - not fair! Prayers for Butter and also to you ((( Hugs ))) Stac
  7. MountainMeadows

    2011 losses

    MindyLee - I spent many years sleeping in the barn - long before any of the fancy gadgets were available - have to admit, the fancy gadget are a whole lot easier on the old bones! That said - it is quite the race to get to the barn in the middle of the night at our place - barn is about 200 ft...
  8. MountainMeadows

    2011 losses

    Yes, it is definately part of breeding. I also happen to believe that with the number of dispersals and auctions that have been going on the past couple of years that there are a lot more people who are breeding miniatures for the first time - a lot of those people have little or no experience...
  9. MountainMeadows

    40 Mini's need home in Seattle WA area.

    I had no doubts that the horses were being well taken care of - Loyall has been an animal lover all her life. It is my hope that she is able to buy all her beloved horses at the auction - establish their "value", deal with whatever needs to be dealt with that caused this auction to happen in...
  10. MountainMeadows

    mares aborting??

    If the mares have not been together previously and/or they cannot get to know one another on a fenceline where they can scratch withers, etc, I would not put them together -- I would even suggest separating the mares during feeding - while it is true that a kick is not NORMALLY the cause of an...
  11. MountainMeadows

    pics of your roans

    Just an FYI to all of you who are curious about whether your horse carries the roan gene. I got a confirmation from UC Davis that they CAN do a DNA test for roan So I guess I will be sending in some hair samples on my stallion to see if he carries roan or if he is just silver bay...
  12. MountainMeadows

    pics of your roans

    Hi folks - is there a DNA test for roan? Reason I ask is that I have a stallion who to me looked very much like a silver bay, never really thought he was roan, but this winter with him starting to shed he IS looking very roany, but the silver bays often shed out looking kinda roany too. Prince...
  13. MountainMeadows

    Need Lookup for horse, AMHA? AMHR?

    Amy - is he one of the horses being dispersed by Loyall - I understand that she is selling her entire herd of minis & Arabs - not sure what is happening with the Alpacas Stac
  14. MountainMeadows

    What the...

    OK -now that I have cleaned off my computer after Parmela's post about Pussy Whip, I will have to add, that in all honesty there ARE parts of the world where they DO drink horse milk as a daily allowance - the fact that most of these areas are 3rd World communities where there is very little...
  15. MountainMeadows

    Pinkie Update

    Oh Lucy, I am so very sorry - I was really hoping for a better outcome. I hope that without the foal pulling her system down that Pinkie can have a long and painfree life. I truly know how you feel ((( Hugs ))) Stacy
  16. MountainMeadows

    **UPDATE**Help- Mare will not accept foal

    If you have a gentle yearling filly to buddy her up with (except for feedings) it will help a lot. Last year a friend of mine had a mare with hyperlipemia with a 2 week old filly. Pulled the filly from mom, tried to get her to bond with another mare at my place but the mare was having nothing...
  17. MountainMeadows

    Need a Pinkie update

    Hi Lucy Just wanted to see how Pinkie was doing - we are all rooting for her and her unborn foal Stacy
  18. MountainMeadows


    If you breed an ASPC only horse to a horse that is either AMHR or AMHA registered: the foal will only allowed to have National Show Pony papers. If you breed an AMHR only horse to an AMHA horse - again, it will only be allowed to have National Show Pony papers The only way to get AMHR papers...
  19. MountainMeadows

    Fading Foal Syndrome

    Hi Becky We have had a few "faders" - but we have only seen it in foals that had a longer delivery or foals that were compromised during delivery (red bag) - I have always thought it was a neurological disorder caused by lack of oxygen, but I have begun to suspect that some foals are just born...
  20. MountainMeadows

    mares bagging up?

    MindyLee I would be concerned - that is not normal for most mares. In my experience when a mare starts bagging prematurely (as in before 280) there is likely a cause - usually placentitis and the about the only way to "help" is to start SMZ, Regumate & Banamine therapy. You don't need much...