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  1. minihingstar

    New pics of Outlaw

    What a little plastic bag can do
  2. minihingstar

    Silver smokey black or sliver black ?

    The reason I maybe believe is that he don't look like the silver blacks I've seen so far (he's much more dark in his color and mane) . But since I'm kinda new to the miniatures and their colors I think it's better too ask others who know more
  3. minihingstar

    Silver smokey black or sliver black ?

    This is my new boy who will arrive in august but wondering about his color. Is he silver black or a silver smokey black ? His dam is silver black and sire is palomino. Here hi is as a foal: And newer pics:
  4. minihingstar

    Arabian "Type" Miniatures

    I think my boy have the "arabian look", not an extreme one, but still
  5. minihingstar

    Clipping Before and After

    Ove before: And after: Relo before: And after:
  6. minihingstar

    Two year old colt hasn't 'dropped'

    My 2 years old colt did drop his first in january this year, number 2 just a week ago. But pull it up when is cold outside.
  7. minihingstar

    Sunbathing, sitting like a dog :-)

    Sitting like a dog is my English Shetlands favorite trick :p He can sit like that for a long time and it looks like he is so proud for what he can do :D