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  1. Mini Brook Farm

    Introducing Several Of Our 08 Foals

    But I like the 2nd b/w filly, love her markings!!!! Got any more pictures of her? Sure do
  2. Mini Brook Farm

    Introducing Several Of Our 08 Foals

    Thank you for all the compliments! Here's another picture of that last little guy. He's a stunner!! Oops Sorry about that. Here he is....
  3. Mini Brook Farm

    Introducing Several Of Our 08 Foals

    '08 Black Pinto Colt SMHC's Freedoms Painted Warrior x Hobby Horses Gold Digger AMHR Eligible & Futurity Nominated DOB 5/5/08 '08 Black Pinto Colt SMHC's Freedom's Painted Warrior x Whipporwills Rain Cloud AMHR Eligible & Futurity Nominated DOB: 5/6/08 '08 Black Pinto Filly SMHC's...
  4. Mini Brook Farm

    The worst possible news - Lady is worse

    Several years ago I had a young stallion recover from this. You have gotten some excellent suggestions. I'd wean the foal and tempt the mare with anything edible. If grass is out of the question try different types of hay, treats, apples, carrots, etc., etc. see if you can spark her interest...
  5. Mini Brook Farm

    References For Griffinsburg Equine Transport Please

    Anyone ever used them?
  6. Mini Brook Farm

    Purpose of Mini/Shetland cross?

    Oh yes, the foals resulting from my ASPC/AMHR stallion/AMHR mares are all AMHR registered. Carol
  7. Mini Brook Farm

    Purpose of Mini/Shetland cross?

    IMO a top quality, small Shetland blood could enhance most Miniature breeding programs. I've used my ASPC/AMHR Shetland/Miniature stallion on all my Miniature mares for the past two years and been extremely pleased with the resulting foals. Carol Mini Brook Farm
  8. Mini Brook Farm

    Need Help

    Here ya go: AMHR - 229407A MURRAY'S SUPREME LITTLE RED BARON Carol
  9. Mini Brook Farm

    Yes... I bought another horse...

    CONGRATULATIONS Kristin! Can't wait to hear how she comes along with her driving training in the future. I have a feeling you two are going to be hot contenders in the driving arena in another year or two!! This girl was born to drive!!!
  10. Mini Brook Farm

    Just got back from looking at the stallion

    Although I'm sure you are very dissappointed IMO you made the right decision. Once gelded a six year old stallion might take a l o n g time to lose stallion tendencies and he may have never been docile enough to go in with your other Minis peaceably. Carol
  11. Mini Brook Farm

    Need honest opinons, Please

    The Minis are addicting and this is very tempting for you I'm sure. However, as indicated earlier, he may not be near as docile in new surroundings and be a bit of a spitfire. Also, particularily if he is older, he may or may not lose his stallion tendencies. So please take this all into...
  12. Mini Brook Farm

    Does anyone know of any shetlands around 37in silver bay or bay pinto

    Thank you for the compliments on our ASPC/AMHR stallion Warrior. Actually it is one of his son's that I thought might interest you Here he is: Bay pinto '07 colt Sired by ASPC/AMHR Stallion SMHC's Freedom's Painted Warrior (son of '06 Nat'l Grand Champion Get Of Sire) x Hunter Hill Just...
  13. Mini Brook Farm

    Our Mini Brooks Colt Has Arrived!!!

    So glad to hear he has arrived safe and sound. He's a lucky boy to have found two wonderful young ladies such as you and Desiree to give him all the attention he deserves. CONGRATULATIONS and ENJOY!! Carol
  14. Mini Brook Farm

    Does anyone know of any shetlands around 37in silver bay or bay pinto

    I have two bay pinto colts and one silver buckskin pinto colt for sale right now. All three are royally bred and sired by our ASPC/AMHR stallion SMHC's Freedom's Painted Warrior. SMHC's Freedom's Painted Warrior son of AMHR's 2006 National Champion Get Of Sire Pictures of all three colts...
  15. Mini Brook Farm

    Would like to make a point here...

    This colt remains one of my favorites. He's very much modern Mini in type including an incredibly gorgeous Arabian type head..... Here he is Mini Brooks Warrior
  16. Mini Brook Farm

    greencastle sale

    But I have this pic in my head of a mare that I want. It is an appoloosian with a dish like head and big eyes. I already love her to death. Hey Zoey, I have a beautiful black appaloosa mare for sale. I'm sure I could talk hubby into trailering her to Greencastle. ; ) Would be a great...
  17. Mini Brook Farm

    Pony Breeders post your links!

    Please count me in! Mini Brook Farm Thank you!! Carol
  18. Mini Brook Farm

    Anyone near Somerset PA ??

    Welcome Julie! We're kinda neighbors here in Butler, PA. ( Just North of Pittsburgh ) CONGRATULATIONS on your new purchase! She's a pretty filly and looks like a real sweetheart to boot!! Carol Mini Brook Farm
  19. Mini Brook Farm


    You have a new PM. Carol Mini Brook Farm
  20. Mini Brook Farm

    Newest Foal Born At Mini Brook Farm And It's A ......

    MBhorses, here are pictures of her sire and dam. (Ma Ma is pregnant and in her winter fuzzies in this picture but hopefully you'll see through all that hair and belly ; ) )