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  1. mshasta88

    A question for breeders!

    I'm no expert but if you breed smaller you will most likely get smaller. I would try to stick with a stallion closer to her size if you want want to have a foal around that size. For example if you know she produces bigger with an AQHA, then she would likely produce smaller with an ASPC. IDK if...
  2. mshasta88

    Height discrepancy on purchased horse

    Like many others have said, this has happened to nearly all of us L Have you tried working the horse before measuring him? I have a horse that has high withers giving him a naturally high head set but it makes him measure a little taller. With a fresh trimming and if I work him for about 20...
  3. mshasta88

    AMHA Hardship Closing

    I know this is just stirring the pot some more, but if the registry was concerned about losing the hardship revenue, would they be considering closing the books? Someone within the origination must have found it financially stable enough to decide to close the registry. Like others have...
  4. mshasta88

    Popping Leg??

    If you use a joint supplement, make sure it has glucosamine in it or you’re just throwing your money away. I’m completely sold on Fluiflex and could see improvements after only 2 days of use. I usually only use joint supplements on horses that are putting a lot of stress on their joints (like my...
  5. mshasta88

    Popping Leg??

    Yes, this sounds more like what my mare did
  6. mshasta88

    Popping Leg??

    I think I'm missing something. Where exactly is the popping generating from?
  7. mshasta88

    Popping Leg??

    My barrel horse has done this her whole life. My sports med vet said it started out as ligaments brushing against that hock joint. She said it was nothing to worry about but with years of ware and tare from her being a barrel horse I would need to inject her hocks at some point. A vet would be...
  8. mshasta88

    Question about selling ethics

    This is a very touchy subject to a lot of people. I personally have always told people if there was a history of dwarfism, whether they ask or not, but that was never the reason I was selling them. I no longer own horses that have thrown dwarfs but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
  9. mshasta88

    Frame Overo and Splashed Owners Please share your photos :)

    I just discovered yesterday that my mares sire indeed tested positive for LWO!!!!!! So I was right about her possible having LWO but I need to test her to make sure it isn’t another gene tricking my eye.
  10. mshasta88


    number 6 for monday
  11. mshasta88

    AMHA Hardship Closing

    I was just getting ready to post something simaler to this, here it is In a lot of ways I feel you are right. We shouldn’t close the registry right away and so sudden. Here is another question that I wish would people considering finding a way to confront the AMHA about. I know that nearly...
  12. mshasta88

    Need help in figuring out this problem....

    I started reading this and immediately though back to one of my pre vet classes. I remember horses being classified has hind gut fermenters which means that these organisms have to go through a process called Caecotrophy and therefore pass unused nutrients. By eating their feces, the lost...
  13. mshasta88

    Anyone know anything about this sire? AMHR

    Thats interesting cuz I checked again on all pedigree and still couldn't see it. I know you right though and I agree with everything you said as well
  14. mshasta88

    Anyone know anything about this sire? AMHR

    I don't have access to the stud books, but I do spend a lot of time on All Pedigree. It is updated by anyone and when I looked him up, he didn't have a sire or dam listed and only two fillies in his progeny record. Again this isn't 100% reliable but you do find that well bred horses are quit...
  15. mshasta88

    Do you put your stallions in pasture together?

    I didn’t read through all of these but I only pastured stallions together only in the winter. As soon as I saw my first mare come into heat, whether or not the stallions could see or touch them, I separated them immediately. I also had some stallions that just didn’t get along with some...
  16. mshasta88

    Frame Overo and Splashed Owners Please share your photos :)

    I have actually owned several splash horses in the past and like what targetsmom said, I only recently found out that some are deaf about the time the gene test was made available. I do believe that at least one was deaf but I didn’t know what else to look for at time. The one I suspect might...
  17. mshasta88

    Frame Overo and Splashed Owners Please share your photos :)

    Yes he is tobiano but blue eyes is an overo characteristic, so sense he was neg for 2 of the overo genes I'm concluding that he has splash. His last foal was a very obvious splash colt.   Splash has only recently become available for testing so he hasn't been tested yet.
  18. mshasta88

    Frame Overo and Splashed Owners Please share your photos :)

    Black Walnuts Sky Dancer I haven't had her very long but she does have a large white spot on her other side. I think she is a splash/sabino Pura Vidas Half A Buck It's hard to tell in this picture but her whole muzzel on this side is white with a blue eye. I'm sure that it is splash...
  19. mshasta88

    do you feed a ration balancer?

    I do, but my partner buys it and puts it in a bin for me so I couldn't tell you the exact name. I'm sure that is a Purina brand though. Honestly, the only difference I saw in my whole herd was the quality and the strength of my newborn foals. I also saw a weight loss in my very overweight minis...
  20. mshasta88

    What color is this mare?

    I would say you are right on color, Smokey Black Tovero but the cream gene isn't 100% confirmed on her until you have her tested. Congrats