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  1. mshasta88

    False Advertising

    Even if these 2011/2012 foals could be hardshiped I don’t think advertising eligibility is a great selling point because of the high cost to hardship into the AMHA. In fact if I see that they aren’t already AMHA or if there papers aren’t UTD, then I don’t look twice. I’ll be sure to keep newbies...
  2. mshasta88

    Do people not have temparement up on their list for breeding traits?

    I agree with everyone so far. With that said, I have had some mares that were stinkers but had amazing tempered foals, but I did have a very rotten mare once that no matter what sweet gentle boy she was bred to, her foals always took after her temperament. I never bred that mare again after foal...
  3. mshasta88

    Critique my little stallion

    I agree with Jill as well, she seems to be great with everyones critiques
  4. mshasta88

    Critique My Horse

    I agree with Jill as well. I'm don't think it matters but I would preffer a shorter face on him and maybe smaller ears but his ears arn't forward in the picture so that could make the shape of his face look totally different.
  5. mshasta88

    Lost another foal

    Yes, I knew it was describing a red bag delivery, but what kind of studies have been done showing placement of the placenta, don’t you think that it is possible that theoretically mares could be having what we call a red bag delivery because the foal and the placenta are being delivered...
  6. mshasta88


    I have one due in about three weeks. I will post my results then
  7. mshasta88

    Lost another foal

    I’m not sure that it’s bleeding that happens but I do understand that there is still nutrient exchange between the placenta and the mother via blood flow as long as the placenta is still attached to the uterine wall. Now follow me here, if the foals cord doesn’t break then it doesn’t trigger...
  8. mshasta88

    Sweetwater Thunder & Fire

    I did not see that until now! Thanks for pointing that out
  9. mshasta88

    Sweetwater Thunder & Fire

    I had an appy stallion once that started with no markings except his appy mottling, then he completely roaned out by the time he was 4. I have also had roan horses were there roaning changes in intensity with the change of seasons. I don’t see any appy mottling on your colt so he looks like...
  10. mshasta88

    Lost another foal

    I have had maiden mares in the past give me Dummy Foals, they are basically practice foals and never had a chance at survival, I have also had some mares deliver so fast that the cord staid attached to the placenta and the baby bleeds out, but I have heard of others that this happened to and...
  11. mshasta88

    AMHR hardship and look up please :)

    Thank you so much Lewella
  12. mshasta88


    This is a great question! I would also like to know.
  13. mshasta88

    AMHR hardship and look up please :)

    I’m going to hardship a couple of my horses into the AMHR this year but I wanted to see if their parents were already in the AMHR. Could someone pretty pretty please look them up for me in the AMHR stud book? wf pattons sunday jazz pecan grove racketeers spring reign mcsperitts rowdy special...
  14. mshasta88

    Breeders Are The Leaders

    I know I just wanted to make sure you knew that I loved and still love you horses
  15. mshasta88

    Breeders Are The Leaders

    Of course Susan, When I despersed my herd some the last to go where the ones I got from you cuz I was hoping to keep them. I would love to some day get China Doll back but they wont sale her and I don't blame them. I also have been thinking about taking Shadow to the Pueblo show in a couple weeks.
  16. mshasta88

    What is your favorite color?

    I'm a BIG dun factor fan but mostly limited to Bay Dun and Grulla. I also love my dun factor horses to have leg barring. I find it mesmerizing.
  17. mshasta88

    Our fellow mini people in CO

    I was 4 miles form the High Park Fire which is now 100% contained as of 2 days ago. For those who didn't know, the High Park Fire was one for the record books in size for Colorado which burned over 87000 acers. We are very glad for it to be over but we know we aren't out of the water yet.
  18. mshasta88

    Breeders Are The Leaders

    I'm so glad that there are others that feel the way I do. I'm going on into 10 years of breeding minis and now feel I have the best stock I've ever owned.
  19. mshasta88

    Something to think about

    You are right, My minis get interaction with many different people everyday where as I have been too many farms that have mares they can’t catch. I’m not going to halt my breeding program because everyone else is bailing out. I to recently had someone offer me $4000 for my barrel horse that was...
  20. mshasta88

    Can I get critique on my mare?

    I agree with Jill.