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  1. mshasta88

    Something to think about

    Overpopulation is becoming a very hot topic, but it gets me to wondering. What will happen the registries if registrations from one year to the next are cut in half do to people no longer breeding? Like I have mentioned in previous post, I have already exposed most of my mares but I’m...
  2. mshasta88

    Miniature market...i think I am cutting back..

    Laurie, once again you nailed it. I have noticed a lot of her dispersals sense January. I’m glad that I will be one of the few left when the market does come back J. I had a major loss in my life a few years back the forced me to sale my whole herd but when I got back on my feet I was able to...
  3. mshasta88

    Hows haying going around you?

    Prices her have been $10+ for over a year now because Texas has been buying most of wyoming and colorados hay. I'm scared to see what it will be this year sense we are all in drout out here.
  4. mshasta88

    "Bred for 2013" as a selling point - not!

    I agree, I bought a mare in foal this spring that was bred to stallion I strongly feel wasn't quality. Thank goodness the foal was nice. With that said I'm guilty of this as well. I'm selling a mare exposed, but in my defense, I'm thinking that if she doesn't sale then I would have missed my...
  5. mshasta88

    Miniature market...i think I am cutting back..

    Nicely put Lewella your comment made me feel somewhat better about having 5 foals next year. Even though I will be paying for registration, I need to keep in mind the future of the registries and my own business.
  6. mshasta88

    Miniature market...i think I am cutting back..

    The mini market or the horse market in general isn't moving at all here. I started feeling the same way that you and others do in regards to cutting back and not breeding but I have already bred all my mares back so it is too late to change my mind. Like others have said, I have some of the best...
  7. mshasta88

    Silver smokey black or sliver black ?

    I'm voting Silver Black but you wont know for sure until you have her tested for cream.
  8. mshasta88

    Mini Prices Yicks

    That is good to here. It seems like we are going to have to all get used to these prices for right now. I don't mind holding onto mine until things get better, I just get nerves breeding when things arn't really selling.
  9. mshasta88

    Mini Prices Yicks

    To add to this, I had a guy intrested in a stallion not to long ago that wanted to breed him to unregistered mares. I may have been rude but told him to look elsewere because I was not going to help contripute to the flud in the market.
  10. mshasta88

    Mini Prices Yicks

    I have been into minis for almost 10 years now and I agree that I wasn't into them for the money; However, I did have to sell a few every year to pay for hay and so on. I guess I just need to wait this out and manage my herd like always.
  11. mshasta88

    Mini Prices Yicks

    Who else is frightened by the current horse prices? I’m scared to the point that I’m considering selling my herd because I would be to tempted to breed if I kept them. Has anyone seen this happen before in the past? Does anyone feel confident that prices will go back up?
  12. mshasta88

    Color Question

    When I owned her I remember the lady I got her from telling me that she has the cream gene. I was sure she was smokey silver. Dapples are a type of countershading and aren't part of the silver gene.
  13. mshasta88

    Okay, don't laugh too hard, is there any such thing as an hermaphrodite horse

    I did have one back in 2003 that I think was a he/she but what ever it was, it still had perfect conformation.
  14. mshasta88

    Is my foal a dwarf?

    I agree with most everyone, but I’m not so sure there is something called borderline dwarfs, I think they are or they aren’t. Maybe it is just a question in conformation? I have seen several horses that people called borderline dwarfs and to me they just looked like very small minis (under 28”)...
  15. mshasta88

    New Addition & Color Help Please ---> PICS added pg 4

    I owned a smokey silver on a black base before and she looked nothing like this I have also owned many champagnes. Silver can be very deceiving. Although cream and silver can sometimes mimic champagne, the pink skin still is too dark but it appears that we have all decided that she is defiantly...
  16. mshasta88

    New Addition & Color Help Please ---> PICS added pg 4

    I agree, she is most likely a silver grulla.
  17. mshasta88

    Stripes and Other Unusual Patterns

    Here is another sight showing that sooty stripping can appear on just the flank.
  18. mshasta88

    Stripes and Other Unusual Patterns

    There is a picture on the link I just posted that has the same flank strips. Looks like sooty gene striping
  19. mshasta88

    Stripes and Other Unusual Patterns

    I have seen these unique strips in horses that where sooty which has also been linked to the brindle genes.
  20. mshasta88

    New Addition & Color Help Please ---> PICS added pg 4

    I'm 100% sure she has the silver gene! She could be silver buckskin like you said but I had a foal once who was silver dun that looked a lot like her. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures anymore of that foal/filly but does you mare have a dorsal strip?