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  1. S

    Putting an ad in the Journal?

    I've been wanting in the past put an ad in the Journal but have been afraid to when the finial bill comes around and will be a huge bill! What if you have somebody do an ad for you, do you still have to pay AMHR fees to have it in the Journal? Not necessarly when you have to pay the full page ad...
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    How to register for AMHR

    Like songcatcher said. If you show and there are more AMHR shows in your area than I would defintelly hardship them in. Or if you looking to sell your foals one day than you get even bigger attention to AMHA/AMHR horses. AMHR is a growing registry. However if there is no major market or shows...
  3. S

    Novice question... What is a crusty neck??

    A crested neck is where the top part of the neck (mane line) flips over. Fat horses tend to get it, or even stallions who breed all the time can tend to get one. For stallions especially its thicker on top where the mane lies because it like protection for them if they are bitten there. And yes...
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    Urgent Dental Question

    I'm not a vet but I'm just looking it up in my vet book and it looks like sinusitis, which is an infection of a sinus cavity.
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    AMHA &AMHR are they issueing 2006 memberships now?

    You want to send in your AMHR membership now cause they expire Dec. 31st. I've already sent mine in and just to be sure where it says the date just put for 2006 year. Last month even I was sent a letter by them saying I need to renew so its defintelly not too soon. With AMHA I believe its in...
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    Right now at this point you shouldn't even think about lounging a horse that young, basic lounging is fine IMO, but not for excercise. Free lounging is fine but not overdoing it. The longest I would free lounge a yearling would be about 30 min., but at its own pace but keep them moving. You...
  7. S

    AMHR x ASPC registering?

    Thank you so I'm not going crazy lol. No the resulting foal won't be ASPR but would be elgible to be registered into the NSPR like Kay mentioned. It's a fairly new registry where atleast one parent has to be registered with the AMHR/ASPC club, it's also a non-breedable registry. The only way...
  8. S

    sweats and sweating

    Yes sweating does work. It can make a huge difference. I only sweat the neck and throatlatch never belly. I don't see how those belly sweats work? You need to excercise them before you can get any sweat going and by excercising them they loose that belly. We work them using an neoprane neck...
  9. S

    Thinking about investing

    Sorry about that, I just relized the mistake I done. I still go by the hardshipping though. If you want to pay that huge amount to hardship him into AMHA and again do it for AMHR its going to be costly.
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    Thinking about investing

    No comments on the foaling out issue, but, I am going by memory here, she has had this stallion for a long time and he's in his 20's? They do tricks, driving, and lots of fun, I've seen it in pics. So I think she can handle him pretty well.
  11. S

    Stud not paying attention to mare ..

    Since she is bred he might know that she is preggers. Oops sorry I thought this was your older guy. I didn't know you had an younger stallion in the barn. Guess I should read the whole message. I agree breeding this late in the year is crazy IMO. Especially since you live in OH its cold this...
  12. S

    Thinking about investing

    You must hardship into AMHA before you can hardship into AMHR. In order to hardship your stallion you would have to pay like $1500 (if not more) to hardship him into AMHA and to hardship into AMHR after you pay that for AMHA is $400. I'm trying to help save you some money and not even think...
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    Thinking about investing

    Why pay a horse for ex amount of $$$$ for a show horse when you would only show in open shows? Are you planning on going to registered shows? That would be the only reason IMO to buy him if you were going to registered shows. I agree with Feather on this one, except for the hardshipping part...
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    Conditioning for the show season

    We start a month before our first show.
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    AMHR x ASPC registering?

    If you cross an ASPC X AMHR than wouldn't the resulting foal be unregistible? Now if the foal was AMHA or ASPC registered than yah you can hardship into AMHR but not the cross you mentioned. Now you can register it with NSPR if you wanted too.
  16. S

    What happened to the AMHR show results?

    Maybe they are updating it or they just want to keep it a surprise???
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    Is equine dentristry different for minis?

    How much does he charge? Quite interested!
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    Belleville, IL shows

    Since I'm not showing other people's horses anymore my client will be showing at the Belleville, IL shows. I went there once and couldn't tell her about the wash racks. Are there avilable wash racks at the show? I couldn't remeber if there were or not. Her job is also in the way of shows and...
  19. S

    2006 AMHR Claremore, OK shows

    With my new job I have very limited chances to going to shows. I was wondering when are the Claremore, OK shows will be held in 2006?