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  1. S

    AMHR Nationals for youth

    Starting Nationals for the youth on Wednesday means alot of school missing for the kids. I don't know why they couldn't have more youth classes on Sunday. Oh well guess alot of people would miss either way. Reality if anyone was involved at the youth classes at 05 Nationals something needed to...
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    Filly on Gastroguard

    I had one on it just recently. Didn't use gastroguard but an ulcer medicine just the same. I noticed quite a bit difference of activity the day after we started using it. At first I could catch this horse so easily, which wasn't normal, the next day with one day of the meds I couldn't catch him...
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    Supplement or feed

    We also use weight builder
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    If you can find yourself a very nice decorative nylon halter you should do fine. Just keep that halter for show use only!
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    Transfering Papers on stallion AMHR

    You just have to send in the registration papers and the transfer form, unless they filled it out in the bottom of his papers to transfer your horse in your name. The stallion service certificate is something for owners of mares that bred to your stallion. For like stud service for example...
  6. S

    AMHR Nationals for youth

    Last year and I'm sure again next year youth was scheduled Thursday thru Saturday.
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    where to get a cheap show halter ..

    There are tons on ebay like others mentioned
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    Pictures of Coco ..

    I agree with Ashley he looks a WHOLE lot better in the last pics you showed. He might be a tad bit fat, but that fat protects them in the winter time. He needs ALOT more hay in his diet. Possibly add some beet pulp. His picture that shows his back looks pretty good but if you feel his hips...
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    Mini horse training questions

    You still have an opportunity yet where he isn't out of control. I had one that was so bad he would tear down a fence before I could halter him. He was sent to an more experienced trainer and that helped alot. Do you go out there everytime just to work with him? I would sit out there and let...
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    Coco ...

    Well can't really tell if he has it what it takes for a driving horse in that picture but even for the fact that he's fuzzy I don't think he has what it takes to be a halter horse. JMO
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    Association Directors

    Thats pretty much a cheap shot towards AMHR. I think what you said is strong words! Something that both registries should hear. Like you said they have their weak and strong points. The beginning of this year and maybe even the end of last year I wasn't too crazy with AMHA's performance. But...
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    Question about AMHR

    Yes you will have to wait till his actual birthday.
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    Hay Belly Update

    Actually I think they are just about right or even on the slim side. I don't see any hay belly there.
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    AMHR Amateur Changes ?

    IMO I feel like AMHR is complicating things alot more than they necessarily should. The old rule is fine IMO and I see no reason for it to be changed.
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    My Driving Team

    I agree with rabbitsfizz Right now you shouldn't even be thinking do they "look" like a team. Thats the last thing IMO. They need to be close to the same height. Does your taller one drive faster then the other one? You want them to be at an even pace. Also like others mention the stride. You...
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    Lunging Problem

    I would take the stick of the whip and touch it on his side (no hitting) and tell him to go on, and you touch him on the side toward the direction you want to go. If that doesn't work then snap the whip at his side at the ground. This should work, if not come back here I'm sure people on here...
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    New rules

    Thats why I said there are so many loopholes to this rule Well atleast we FINIALLY got some answers. I honestly feel like none of the new rules should have been taken affect like sdmini's case. No notice or anything and than the rulebooks finially came out but in June when breeding season has...
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    New rules

    Yes it was in their rule book of 2005. Thats why so few of people know about it because AMHR never did send any notices or have its members voted it on it at Convention in 2004 and it was so badly worded in its rulebook. I finially understand the rule but their is so many loop holes to the rule...
  19. S

    Does anyone think Christmas is coming sooner?

    Does anyone feel like Christmas is coming closer each and every year? I can't believe when I watch tv that already most of its tv shows have showed their Christmas specials and started showing their tv christmas movies. Its all just a tad bit too soon for my taste. Heck even today when we bought...
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    New rules

    Here is the way I understand it. You can't use a stallion thats younger than 2 years of age. And they must be brought pernament until you can register the foal. Both of these rules AMHR just put in and not have its members vote on it, so its kind of contraversial.