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  1. Dream

    Ohio CDE, July 23-25!

    Finally got my pro pics from the Ohio CDE. There was a thread about this on the driving forum but I thought it best to post the pics here. Photos by Reuss Griffiths. Cones Marathon next...
  2. Dream

    Have to put this on here

    Excellent post from someone who knows. Thank you Catherine!
  3. Dream

    Great time at the Ohio CDE!

    Oh goodness Cathy, my hazard times were not great LOL. You must have heard about our cones round . I made the optimum time overall but he was too tired to be quick in the hazards. In fact I think we came to a complete stop in the last 2 ! This was the longest marathon he has ever done and...
  4. Dream

    Busy snackers :)

    The last time we contacted them they said they would no longer be shipping to Canada. Too bad since they sold quite a few here.
  5. Dream

    Great time at the Ohio CDE!

    My cart was made by Jim Newman of On The Bit Miniatures in Jordan, Ontario. It is beautiful, comfortable and versatile. I use it for everything although in a perfect world I would have a different cart for marathon.
  6. Dream

    Great time at the Ohio CDE!

    For now I can post a few pics of our cones course at an Ontario competition in June of this year. It was also a very nice round...his first try at Prelim. I don't think I ever put these on here so hopefully you haven't seen them already.
  7. Dream

    Great time at the Ohio CDE!

    Thanks! I was surprised we managed fastest cones round but he did canter the whole thing and was beautifully responsive and accurate. I was really pleased with him. I am hoping to have some pics from the photographer in the next couple of weeks.
  8. Dream

    Great time at the Ohio CDE!

    We had a great weekend at the Ohio CDE! It was hot and humid, it rained, the footing in the dressage ring didn't hold up and I can't wait to do it again next year! Wonderful organizers, volunteers and exhibitors, and beautiful grounds. Loved meeting some forum members too. Erick was the only...
  9. Dream

    Mysterious Shoulder Injury

    Yes this is what I was getting at when I asked about muscle wasting as sometimes what looks like a bump is actually a receding of the soft tissue around it. Sweeney is usually caused by a direct blow to the scapula so there may be some bone damage too. Acupuncture wouldn't be a bad thing to try.
  10. Dream

    Mysterious Shoulder Injury

    It's possible he fractured the spine of the scapula and it is now healing with a bony callus. Can't really x-ray but might try ultrasound. If that's what it is it won't go away unfortunately.
  11. Dream

    Mysterious Shoulder Injury

    Is that bump hard like bone? Hard like fibrous tissue? Soft? Did it appear suddenly? Is there muscle wasting around it making it look like a bump or is it truly a bump? The location appears to be along the scapula rather than near the actual shoulder "socket".
  12. Dream

    Ohio CDE, July 23-25

    Oh this will be fun! Is anyone doing prelim (single)? I hate being the only one in a division.
  13. Dream

    Ohio CDE, July 23-25

    Oh that is great! We are coming with 3 entries. 2 for training and 1 for prelim. Be sure to introduce yourself again! Are you bringing the "flashy" gelding
  14. Dream

    Ohio CDE, July 23-25

    Just wondering if anyone from here is heading to Peninsula OH for the CDE? We are making the trip from Ontario. Hope to see lots of VSEs there.
  15. Dream

    Nationals-Sleeping in trailers or stalls...

    I'll take a mouse over a brown recluse spider any day! I was under the impression that there were a lot of these guys in the barns at Nationals.
  16. Dream

    Nationals-Sleeping in trailers or stalls...

    OK so I'm planning to sleep in my stall. This Ontario girl needs to know...what about the SPIDERS?
  17. Dream

    Canadian Area 2 show

    Welllllllllllllllllllll...if all goes as planned he will be going down to Oklahoma. I plan to bring him back to Canada after Nationals though Thanks everyone!
  18. Dream

    Canadian Area 2 show

    Thanks guys. Yes this was the show in Milton. Devon you have to leave Eli at home so Erick can finish his HOF LOL.
  19. Dream

    Canadian Area 2 show

    Had a great time at the Canadian Area 2 Show this weekend. Erick did very well taking Reserve Grand Champion Gelding -Over, winning all of his classes in Country Pleasure Driving over as well as Versatility. Also won Under Versatility with a friend's horse. Just wanted to share some pics my...