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    ON Worming topic

    Was it X-pel?
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    Is everyone else going through this in Winter?

    How cold you feel is directly related to how warm you are dressed. I am equally warm , whether it is +10 or -30, just dressed differently.
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    Colts vs. Stallions/which to purchase

    A very sucessful breeding farm started with a weanling and that stallion has since produced very many national champions. They told me that they could afford the foal, BUT would never have been able to afford him as a proven stallion. Just another point to consider, and I myself would stretch...
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    Just got to wondering

    If stallion born1995 or earlier and breeds fewer than 5 mares, DNA not required.
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    Helpful Hints for foaling season....

    If temps are cold/cool, a hair dryer is a MUST for me. Until the foal nurses (could be 40 min or 4 hours) it needs its reserve to stay mobile, and should not have to expend precious energy to stay warm which is impossible if wet. A dry , energetic foal likely to nurse sooner.
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    Just a simple poll for all miniature horse owners

    In the corporate world when I had to assess experience, I usually broke it down to , did the person have 20 yr exp, OR 10 yrs twice or often it was 2 yrs , ten times over. Therefore, experience should be based on what a person has all done, been exposed to, number of horses dealt with etc. Ex...
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    Pregnancy test

    wait a few weeks and you can feel the foal move if she is pregnant.
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    Overseas Shipping Prices

    Shipping from Manitoba, Canada to Frankfurt, Germany was $2800. Cdn per horse with min shipment of 3 mini's.
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    Hay Feeders I made

    I cannot tell from picture what gage wire is used, but I had something similar and they got flattened from 300 pound mini's thinking it was a scratching post. They will love yours if it is placed at "hip" height.
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    More on Dwarfism and Research

    John and Robin - with all the research you have done, I am wondering where the following may enter the scene.. During course of researching/reading about dwarfism, I have run across this info : Hypothyroid Congenital Foal Syndrome which includes disorders of the Musculoskeletal System...
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    XPEL dewormer

    Just had a phone call from Equine Industries, N.Y. trying to sell this product. (got our number from somewhere?) It is liquid, homipathic (sp?) product, kills all parasites, cannot overdose, all natural, no expiry date, guaranteed satisfaction . Cost, $120. will provide 24 doses per 1000 lb...
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    Mare sweating

    A 21 yr old, 8 mo pregnant mare appeared to be sweaty a few days ago and my first thought was, Aborting??? But the baby was still active, so we were OK. I concluded that she was wet from rain/mist due to warm temps and her standing under dripping roof. A few days later, still wet but no rain or...
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    Heart sounds of Foals-when??

    At 6/7 mo's you can always feel foal movement...
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    breeding 1/2 brothers/sisters

    Renmac --I am sure there are many "dumb" horses that were from unrelated parents .
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    Question regarding dirt in hay

    Not sure what is really meant here, BUT a few thoughts of mine: - dirt and dust are not necessarily the same thing -road/dry hay dust is different than mold dust -horses eat dirt all the time -dust is problem when inhaled due to feeding in enclosed feeder -mold dust is bad, period -horses...
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    Arghhhhhh, Cant stand my Mum sometimes

    If you and your mom put your hands on the ribs and backbone of your horse, you would both have the RIGHT answer in 2 seconds. The weight and size of belly become irrelavent. (note - a horse that is skin and bones can have a big belly and so can a wormy one)
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    My little mini was caught in a fence- nightmare

    Have had similar experience. What I now do when fencing, is put the small holes to the top and the big ones in the bottom. Works much better as the feet cannot get stuck as readily.
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    When can you Hear a heartbeat and

    To date I have detected movement in 11 of 12 mares at 5 1/2 mo's. I may check a few times a day and my arm gets tired and patience wears out after 15 min. Hardest part is concentrating on your "sense of feel" when checking as it is easy to daydream about that filly in there and then you can miss...
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    Hoof Help

    Frequently I have seen mention of the "heel" growing and creating problems. I maintain that the hoof growth is the same all around BUT the WEAR is not the same. I have one horse that I only remove heel. If done more often, foot is normal. If not done frequently (monthly) the hoof grows into a...
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    War on Christmas

    I have often wondered about all the people that are welcomed here because they are looking for better lives and lieving their countries where things are bad AND THEN they want us to change to be like their old country. Go figure. There used to be a saying , When in Rome do like the Romans do.