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  1. A

    Vaccinating pregnant mare

    My mare was due in two weeks and had a bag and sticky milk , so ready anytime. Yesterday the vet vaccinated (3 way springtime) all the horses, including the mare. This afternoon I found her with the foal half out, dead and hip locked. A 10 second 180 degree twist and pull extracted the foal. I...
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    Recommendation for economical wireless Foaling Cams

    I currently have an old b/w monitoring system (20+ yrs old) and am wondering if there are some economical wireless cams out there now that would be adequate. Barn is about 120 ft from house . Thx.
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    Rowdy girls

    This name goes back many years. Just this morning I had a very nice colt born to a Rowdy grand daughter and was wondering whether there are still a number of Rowdy grand daughters out there having babies?
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    Gelding at 6 mo's

    What are pros and cons of gelding 6 month old boys, provided the testes are dropped?
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    Contracted tendon and tail issue

    The joint just above the hoof is very lax , which allows the hoof to turn when there is no support. If weight could be put on the bottom of the hoof, the tendon should gradually extend and allow the foot to work itself to the correct position. (hopefully)
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    Contracted tendon and tail issue

    Here are a few pics. The vet is of the opinion that given the way the hoof folds back and sideways, not allowing weight to be gradually transferred to the bottom of the hoof, support will be necessary, ie cushion wrap/pvc pipe(1/3 cut away)/more cushion wrap. Any ideas that can help, will be...
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    Contracted tendon and tail issue

    I have removed the wrap/splint from the foot. The foal is active and moves around, however, the one hoof is folded back and to the side.What kind of support would assist the proper alignment of muscle and tendon to strengthen?
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    Contracted tendon and tail issue

    A new(2days old) foal (full term) has a contracted tendon issue which we are dealing with splint and wraps. Only one foot is bad so hopefully there will be enough stretch in the tendon to allow foot to come forward. Also, a "never seen before" tail situation exists. The tail is bent into a...
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    Pacing new mom and hungry foal

    A maiden mare ( age 5 yr) foaled 3 days ago and all went well. Developed bag, wax, full term, attended birth, nursed within hour, maconium within hour, ate and slept in typical foal fashion. She has started pacing in her stall and the foal is trying to nurse too often and getting rough as I...
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    Chipped hooves

    This is the first year that I am noticing chips out of the hooves. Receive regular farrier work. We had an exceptionally dry year and am wondering if that or perhaps nutrition can impact on the feet. Our weather is such that our hay can vary significantly from year to year. Would appreciate...
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    Barnyard Grass

    Given varying weather conditions, I have had many different "hay" combinations over the years. This year I had to get it from a different area, and the horses are doing very well on it. It was a newly seeded alfalfa field. It has a fair amount of alfalfa and oat cover crop, there is a fair...
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    My mare has a fat tummy... could possibly be pregnant? :)

    Feel for foal movement.
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    Leaves, leaves and more leaves

    Mostly poplar and manitoba maple leaves.
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    Leaves, leaves and more leaves

    All our corrals are next to trees, so the horses love this time of year. Instead of "hay" bellies, they have "leaf" bellies and many look pregnant, including the boys. Do leaves have food value to the extent that their normal food allotment could/should be scaled back as long as they are eating...
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    Heads up - West Nile Virus - Equine fatality in Connecticut

    I understand that many people are of the opinion that if horses have been exposed to west nile or vaccinated for it, healthy horses will be sufficiently immune to the disease to be relatively safe. I have always been under the impression that horses already compromised through age or poor health...
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    Mini(s) with sheep

    I was asked whether mini's could be put with a flock of sheep without any problems. I know some of you will have experience/answers to this, so I will await your comments that I can pass on. Thanks.
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    What's going on?

    My guess ....MONEY....
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    Dusty hay

    With wet spring, first cuts were put into silage or baled very mature. Second cuts very dry with virtually no rain, and bales are now dusty. Aside from wetting, which is extremely awkward with feeding 15 groups of 1 to 15 horses per corral. Anybody have simple solution? These are big square...
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    Ulcer? Colic? ????

    You won't believe this, but, after posting above question, I went to see the mare and there was the aborted 2 mo fetus. This is a Rowdy gr granddaughter and have been anxious to have a foal from her.
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    Ulcer? Colic? ????

    Have a small 5 yr old mare that does not feel 100%. She will do the stretch stance, she will be laying down to eat on occasion, BUT, she eats well, drinks well, stool looks normal, no sand in system, have given mineral oil, she is in good body weight, this has existed for about 4 days. These...