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  1. A

    Breeding smaller stallion to taller mare....

    While I mainly use platforms, palletts/railway ties/hills, another workable way is to pick a corner of the fence and park the mare parallel to one side and nosing the other. Note the back leg location and dig a hole, depth dependant on height difference. In this way it is easy to push the mare...
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    Tips on Halter Breaking a 2 month old colt?

    You can put a lot of easy going "halter" miles on by leading together with the mom. They get accustomed to the halter and relative restraints , but will keep going forward as long as the mom is moving.
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    No water or electricity at barn

    I have had ordinary 100' extension cords for many years and they work well. One station would be 300'. Provides lights, clipper power, low wattage heaters to keep water from freezing etc. I raise/cover each cord connection so it stays dry.
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    old horse sweating

    I had a senior pregnant mare that I noticed sweating a lot and I was sure she must be aborting. In discussion with another Mini owner with many "horse" years experience, he had had one horse do that and when he eliminated corn (which he fed to all his working horses) he had no more sweating. All...
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    Using equine dewormer for farm dog

    I looked back at an old thread and found that many "mini" owners use horse dewormer on their big farm dogs. All dosages were given in liquid amts, whereas I only use paste. Would you use the same dosage for dogs as horses? ie treat a 100# dog like a 100# weanling? Also does it matter which paste...
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    Using equine dewormer for farm dog

    I researched an old thread and it appears that many "mini" owners use their horse dewormer for the outdoor farm dog. As to dosing, they talked in ml's, whereas I only use paste. Would one use the same dose as for a mini? ie treat a 100 lb dog like a 100 lb weanling? Would appreciate hearing what...
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    Cerebellar abiotrophy in horses

    A friend just called and had a foal yesterday that is very unstable and has difficulty walking. It is nursing regularly. While it was only one day old , the vet suggested it might be CA. Since usually someone within the vast forum population has experienced every disease, even if rare, I am...
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    Bad News

    Don't all get excited. Firstly, tease her daily to see if she continues to be in heat. If still in heat 3/4 days from now, she is NOT pregnant. After this, you make a decision.
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    Foal not nursing

    Foal born this morning is not nursing although he continues to make half-hearted attempts. While he appears to have some sucking reflex when he caresses the side of the bag, it is quite limited. He will not suck a finger or the bottle. Therefore, milking mare and syringing into mouth is the...
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    Where do you find your simple barn halters?

    I got some nice , simple halters from Jeffers. They are very reasonable and quick in shipping.
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    Mare acting studish?

    Quite possibly one of the mares is in heat.
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    So confused

    A feed store that specifically states that oats and timothy hay are NOT good for horses is totally suspect in my opinion. Because oats and timothy hay are the two most basic and recommended foods for horses. Perhaps your feed store either does not carry the product or the profit margin is less...
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    Feeding Oats To Miniatures

    quote (from not feeding a true "feed" per say?) Oats IS THE true horse feed..........
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    Oats as a suppliment?

    The local university had put out an article on equine nutrition and basically said that a good quality alfalfa/grass hay, supplemented with oats was generally a very adequate diet for the normal horse that was in good health. Oats need not be crimped unless they have a teeth issue that comes...
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    Oats as a suppliment?

    You are all talking supplements. Since most everyone feeds hay as the main course, I believe the quality of hay should to a large extent dictate the supplement requirements. There is a very big nutritional difference between prime quality alfalfa hay and various grasses available.
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    Freezing Water Buckets

    All my horses have access to heated water. (my own contraption s with battery blanket heaters). However, if you are having frozen water, you must have snow. I always like to feed hay on the snow, and find that some horses drink no water but will crunch snow as they eat, even if hard packed...
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    fence chewing

    Been there done that with various paint ons. I seemed to run into this at times when I had (what I thought) very nice soft hay. It was recommended by a dairy man that they might be lacking needed roughage in their gut and suggested putting out straw. This helped greatly and I did not worry of...
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    Any suggestions to stop wood chewing?

    What causes stomach acid?
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    Lumps all over

    Checked this morning and am advised that the geldings lumps are all gone and he is fine. He monitored him closely last night and at no time did he appear to be stressed or in pain. Was not able to hook up with a vet. In checking the pasture he found an ant hill with the grass pressed down in...