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  1. J


    I had it for a while but it went away on its own. The idea of a fan at night is great - I do that (mostly so I don't hear the neighbor's dog BARKING all night) and it really is a wonderful thing. If you are really concerned, just go to a ENT doc and see what they say. I went to one and had my...
  2. J

    Anthing I can do?

    I've got lots of coyotes here. In fact, just this afternoon I watched one hunting prairie dogs, with my mini stallion not 50' from the coyote. The coyote never so much as glanced at my horse. The coyotes have never bothered my horses. However I do have llamas. Even so, the only problems I have...
  3. J

    Disapointed in this rescue

    You know, I think Triggy has a point here. A while back I helped a vet to help a group of horses that were being starved to death. The vet sat me down before we went on this place, and told me, "Look - I know you will want to chew this guy out for being a creep, but DON'T SAY ANYTHING!!! If you...
  4. J

    Sad update on our missing Calf :o(

    Oh no. I'm SO sorry. That is very hard after all the work you put into her. :no:
  5. J

    Oats or Sweet feed?

    Personally, I don't like sweet feed. Sugar is not even good for people - why would we feed it to horses?? : If I need to feed grain, I like plain rolled oats and plain rolled barley. If a horse is really underweight and needing some help (like, if I buy one and it is that way) I like to use...
  6. J

    spider webs

    Well. Bugs live in barns. Spiders eat bugs. If you have a barn, you wil have spiders, and therefore you will have spider webs. Perhaps a slight change in attitude will help - "These spiders are helping clear the barn of Bugs, and therefore I love spider webs" is something you might say to...
  7. J

    PEOPLE! Please look up words before you use them in an ad.

    Fantacsix, I don't think the point is to pick on anyone or look down on them, it is to point out that they are not communicating what they meant to say. The purpose of language is to communicate; if people understand you, then you have achieved the goal! But if people just make up arbitrary...
  8. J


    Gosh, it depends what type of bats they are. Here is a great article from the Wikipedia: About Bats which also includes a ton of references (links) that you can look up. For instance, under the part about bats possibly carrying rabies, it has links to places where you can learn how to control...
  9. J

    is the only point in breeding to make money???

    You mean........ PEOPLE MAKE MONEY AT MINIATURE HORSES???? :new_shocked: NO way!! :bgrin Seriously. Anyone who thinks they are going to get filthy rich raising miniature horses is barking up the wrong tree. You do this for the love of the animals. If you are doing it for love of money, I...
  10. J


    Well, if the ringbone is somewhere that it interferes with his movement, and it sounds like it is, then yes it can be a problem. As the vet told you, it can be fused. Sometimes they even fuse on their own. I guess all you can do is follow the vet's advice for treatment, and then go back for...
  11. J

    Urgent Rabbit people please help!

    I am sorry to say this, TangoMango, but the mother probably ate the babies. Mother rabbits do not have the ability to pick up their babies and move them. If a predator finds the nesting site, the mother will usually eat the babies and change sites. It sounds weird to us, because we have hands...
  12. J

    Ghosts and Spirits

    I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in love. I think our feelings of love for our family and friends are stronger than we realize, and sometimes we don't give ourselves the credit for the love we feel. I think sometimes we also don't allow ourselves to grieve as we should. I think a long...
  13. J

    horses in or out ?

    I think if you could ask your horse, your horse would want to be out. That is what is natural for them. Do they have shade? If so, I would leave the horse out. In fact, I think they are healthier and happier left out 24/7. I try to do that with mine as much as possible, and I attribute my very...
  14. J

    A nightmare almost comes true

    My feeling is, I am very glad you got them back from a bad situation, but at the same time I am VERY glad that you sell horses. Just imagine if NO ONE had ever sold YOU a horse, because they were scared you would not take proper care of it! And yet, LOOK AT YOU NOW!! You are a WONDERFUL owner...
  15. J

    I just dont get it?

    I agree with Boinky's point about dishonesty. That's what gets me. You talk to someone, they say they are selling out because they are moving etc. and then they say, "But I'd trade this one for a mare" or something, and all I can think is, "What the??!!" If you are trying to "sell out", why...
  16. J

    Big Horse Question

    Every antibiotic I have ever given had the dose written somewhere on the bottle, but I am not familiar with these tablets - it doesn't hurt to check, though. They should have it written on there, I would think.
  17. J

    Sales Board Ad -- Very Interesting

    I own a horse that was bred from an Arab stallion (not a real big one, but over 14 hands) and a 36" Shetland mare. The mare got out one night, and was bred by the stallion that night. The same person owned both mare and stallion and was very upset about the whole thing. In fact I think she was...
  18. J

    neck pain

    I agree with Pepipony - go in and see a doctor about this. Just think how bad it would be if it got WORSE! And, even people I know who swear by chiropractors always say never allow one to mess with your neck. PLEASE be careful, I have had friends with herniated discs become bed-ridden by not...
  19. J

    My chiropracter broke me

    Yikes! :new_shocked: :no: That is too scary. Maybe you should stay away from chiropractors for a while, and just use a heating pad and aspirin...... I have a friend that goes to one, and I think he does pretty well, but he never does anything that extreme!! I agree with Hobbyhorse 23, these...
  20. J

    Talking of horses names....

    I know a "Holy Smoke" too - he is an AMHA mini who grew to be 40" tall!! Fortunately his owner is addicted to CDE and just driving in general, so she does not care. Holy Smoke is really a nice looking horse.