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  1. J

    Is Sabino a Pinto Gene???

    OK. I am trying hard to learn color genetics, because we all want those really beautiful and colorful babies - right? So! I am trying to learn about Sabino. (One gene at a time!) Is sabino considered a pinto gene? I have heard Yes and I have heard No. Does anyone here know the real answer...
  2. J

    Soap on wood for chewing??

    There are a bunch of things that are supposed to work. For me, chicken wire is the only way! It lasts a long time, and NONE of them can chew it. With the soap, tabasco sauce etc. there will always be at least ONE gourmet horse who absolutely loves the stuff and chews anyway.
  3. J

    Spiders, and spider spray!

    No Utah has no brown recluse (which is not to say someone might move a couple there with their furniture, but they can't get established there and quickly die) it is too dry. But the hobo spider can have a bite similar to brown recluse, and people sometimes think it was brown recluse. The brown...
  4. J

    Spiders, and spider spray!

    Hey, Dr. Isom is AWESOME!!!! He used to do work for me. Ask him about the insane lady that had Jacob sheep and llamas, and moved to New Mexico!!!! That would be me! However Dr. Wright, being an equine specialist, would be the one (at least I would think so) to hear of a horse being bitten by...
  5. J

    Spiders, and spider spray!

    Hi Gage - I used to live about 30 miles from you in Heber. The only spiders that I knew of that could be a potential problem to HUMANS, were black widow spiders. First, I think a spider would have a really tough time biting a horse because of the hair. I suppose black widows might be big enough...
  6. J

    Training Videos.

    Yes, definitely look on the LB Auction, but to answer your question: The techniques are basically the same. Minis may be small but they are _ALL_ horse! Just ask them..... I have a friend who does French classical dressage with hers, ala Dominique Barbier. This emphasizes in-hand work but she...
  7. J

    Aesthetics vs. convenience

    Well, as a horsehair "professional" (I braid the stuff for a living) I can tell you that most likely, the mane IS the result of the stuff you put on it. It will take a while for new hair to grow out but when it does, I suspect that with the diet and the excellent shape this horse is in that he...
  8. J

    Do you think it's rude????????

    In my opinion, if the request was worded right, it would be a great compliment to the owner and they would in no way be offended. Also, you just never know what life is going to dish up to people. If something should happen, and you have written them telling them how wonderful that horse is and...
  9. J

    when they disapprove

    So true!!! They become spoiled so easily...... they are always looking at me with those big brown eyes saying - " I can ONLY eat alfalfa leaves and nothing else, or I will starve to death!!!!" And then they LIE - my husband used to fall for it. He would come home late at night from the hospital...
  10. J

    question I was asked

    Well, hopefully a person who was standing a stallion at stud would know enough to advertise. So you would try and find their ads. Around here there is a magazine they give away at the feed store that has horse ads in it, and they even have nice glossy full color pics of stallions. I guess a...
  11. J

    OMG I am getting the CUTEST colt EVER!!!

    That's so exciting!!! Good for you - I bet you two will have a wonderful time together!!!
  12. J

    Lame Horse

    Gosh, without actually seeing the horse, or seeing how he moves, it is pretty hard to say. It could be almost anything!! If you felt no heat, and if there is no swelling, there doesn't seem to be any point in soaking. I think you did right by turning him out, if he has a history of joint...
  13. J

    From Foal to Champion:

    With all these REALLY cute foals being born, and people sharing pictures (thanks, it is one of my favorite things!) I got to thinking - What did those really famous horses look like as foals???? You know the ones I am talking about - Sid's Husker, or Rowdy, or Boone's Little Buckaroo, or Little...
  14. J

    New Phone Scam? Even Mentioned AMHA!

    I've gotten calls like that..... it is a scam!!! They usually call at 6 AM and say that you signed up for the info, or that you requested it somehow. Here is something funny though. A woman I know who lives in OH got a call from one of these types of people. They said they were selling "organic...
  15. J

    Yikes....Snippy Response.....

    I for one believe you are being very polite, but unfortunately you are not alone in getting snippy answers. I have had MANY...... and I try and be as polite as I possibly can, in both seller or buyer position. However BOTH sellers AND buyers have given me snippy e-mails. Go figure. Usually, too...
  16. J

    Cribbing/Wind sucking

    I will disagree slightly about straps, since I have personally known about 12 cribbers that were controlled with straps. (However as soon as you took them off they were at it again.) BUT. They are not just a plain strap. They have a metal part, that is supposed to stop the horse flexing the...
  17. J

    Cribbing/Wind sucking

    How long has your horse been doing this? And, is he confined in a stall or barn? Without this info I am sort of shooting in the dark, but this is what I know about cribbing. It usually starts out of boredom - the horse is confined in a stall or other small area, maybe has a little bit of...
  18. J

    Teaching Basic Manners & Gaining Trust.

    Well, aside from going to a trainer or instructor and learning basic horse care, I think I can make the following suggestions. If your horse nips, and you know he is already head shy, for heaven sake don't hit him. Sometimes you can pop them on the nose directly from the front - they can't see...
  19. J

    Need help with large crest...

    I bought a stallion that was really "over-conditioned" - as in FAT - and he had a HUGE crest. He is cresty anyway by nature, but this was really scary because of the risk of founder. I immediately put him on the "Whinny Craig" program of weight loss!!!! He had been getting free-choice dairy...
  20. J

    REPORT YOUR FOALS HERE! Time for 2005 count!

    On May 10th - Bay filly - not one white hair on her! My forum name is Jacquee'..... Mother is a chestnut, father a pintaloosa.