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  1. Cherokee Rose

    Pelleted Bedding

    After using shavings for several years..I have just started using the pellets and so far I'm liking them. Does anyone else use them and like them.... or can there be some problems with them. They sure are alot easier for storing and carrying...please share your thoughts...........Carrie
  2. Cherokee Rose


    Well anyone who knows me.... knows my main man(don't tell my hubby ) Tom was the beginging of my dream to show and breed the miniature horse...we started our show career together...he's still as breath taking today at 18 as he was when I first seen him running the fence as a 6 year old.
  3. Cherokee Rose


    Happy Birthday Mona ...Hope it was great
  4. Cherokee Rose


    Happy Happy Birthday how's the ol'broodmare feeling...did I see like maybe "57" Sorry I just couldn't let it pass
  5. Cherokee Rose

    She didn't make it :*(

    Oh heart just breaks for you You done good by her and there isn't anything more you could've done. When I lost one of my mares and her foal last year..I just kept trying to figure out what I could have done diffrent..we had worked so hard to try and save her..I just couldn't figure...
  6. Cherokee Rose

    Our only foal of the year, we are very pleased.

    Nice baby .....and my favorite color. Is'n it nice when it all goes well...Congratulations!!
  7. Cherokee Rose

    Excited, want to share and to say Thanks!

    Well it's about time little missy Looks great Lavonne...loved looking at all the new pics...the only problem I had with viewing it is.. I keep seeing spots you might want Jean to check that out...ok I'm crawling back under my rock
  8. Cherokee Rose

    297 Days Gestation

    Awwww Lori he is cute.....Just think I have one of those little buns in the oven Mirage is still hanging in there crossing my fingers for another month with her...were having a billzard tonight :DOH! wouldn't that be cute.
  9. Cherokee Rose

    PSSST! Hey you! Yeah YOU!

    Happy Birthday Lori !!! I too had just meet Lori at Nationals this year...we did a horse trade she was wonderful to work with and I count her as a new friend !! Hope you have a great day...Miss Mirage is getting fatter by the day
  10. Cherokee Rose

    I've got an announcement!

    Well all I can say is I hope Lori doesn't bust before she sees her new horse I would also like to Thank Lori for making this trade go easy and offering me one of her best..I will love her and take the best of care with her.... she will even have her own stall waiting for her when she arrives...
  11. Cherokee Rose

    Those that live in Southern Missouri

    Hi Connie I see your not getting much of a response here so maybe I can help........I do live in Minnesota...but the first 27 years of my life I was a born bred Southern Missourian...... As far as weather..this year the weather has been bad all my family still live down there so I'm updated...
  12. Cherokee Rose

    I think this going to be a WEIRD FOALING YEAR

    Nice babies...and your right ...these mares do seem off this year :DOH!
  13. Cherokee Rose

    2008 foals

    WOW..what a crew...and I just love those spottings Congratulations
  14. Cherokee Rose

    I am so THRILLED, I just HAVE to share him!

    WOW Stunning boy Mona....Congratulations !!! I love his Color!!!
  15. Cherokee Rose

    Tribute to a great little mare

    Thank You all for caring and the wonderful really does help heal a heart's really hard to know where the cut off is as far as age...I have CoCo dam who is 20 heavy in foal and I think it will be her last. Diana ... I know what your saying about the stall thing she had...
  16. Cherokee Rose

    Tribute to a great little mare

    Cherokee Rose Miniatures lost one of their Best this past weekend our beloved CoCo. CoCo was one of my very first mares when I first started raising minis and the kinda broodmare that just never went out of style. We lost her to a foaling gone wrong...I won't get in to detail...but rest assured...
  17. Cherokee Rose

    Windows Vista or Windows XP

    Thanks everybody for your insights on truely does help
  18. Cherokee Rose

    Windows Vista or Windows XP

    Good Morning everyone I have a question I'm thinking about getting a new computer and I was wondering what you all think of the Windows Vista...verses the Windows XP . I have Windows XP right now and was just wondering wither I should switch or not
  19. Cherokee Rose

    She foaled! She foaled! She foaled!

    Congratulations on your Buckskin doesn't get much better than that
  20. Cherokee Rose


    Here are some of my AMHR horses....anyone who knows me .. they know I'm a big fan of the Over division horses ..and I really like the Spotted Over horses !!! This is "Cowboy" our Buckskin leopard This is Tom A hawk One of our mares Chicky Arc Chocolate...I love this mare Hope you...