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  1. Cherokee Rose

    Our new stallion

    Congratulations on your new Spotty.........beautiful boy :
  2. Cherokee Rose

    Yearling colt and week old colt.....

    NIce boys....and what a neck on the older one ...... :
  3. Cherokee Rose

    A before and after shot...

    She looks very nice Mindy...please show pics when you get her all fixed know that CDE stuff sounds like it would be alot of you go girl and show'em what Appy can do :
  4. Cherokee Rose

    Killing weeds in horse patures

    Thanks everyone for the replies...very much apperciated!! I had to laugh Jill I would love to have the goats.....but I think my hubby would kill me : he really is a good sport so I guess I should'nt take advantage : your ragwort the same as our ragweed? Because that is whats...
  5. Cherokee Rose

    Killing weeds in horse patures

    I was justing wondering what is the safest weed killer to use in the horse pastures......Thanks Carrie
  6. Cherokee Rose

    The Boys Are Back In Town!!!!

    Now where have I seen those 2 boys before : I might have been there probation officer...I can assure you the one on the right needs one : Beautiful boys Angie...can't wait to see the rest of the gang :lol: :lol: ............Carrie
  7. Cherokee Rose


    Just had to put my 2 cents worth in and Congratulate Jodie on both covers of the Journel and several pics inside.....I can usually tell now without seeing her signature if they're her photos or not : Great job Jodie :aktion033: ..........Carrie
  8. Cherokee Rose

    Okay I can't wait anymore!!

    Congratulations Mindy......beautiful girl : Do you have Softy bred to the same stallion...can't wait to see that foal tooo.........Carrie
  9. Cherokee Rose

    Appaloosa Breeding

    I would agree with rabbit..........
  10. Cherokee Rose

    Designers Nightmare-Advertisers Dream

    Love the ad Lavern :aktion033: Thats what I call getting your moneys worth.....and Jodie did a wonderful job capturing that boy in harness.........Carrie
  11. Cherokee Rose

    Happy, Happy Day to You Mona

    Happy late Birthday Mona hope it was Grand :aktion033: :saludando: :bgrin
  12. Cherokee Rose


    HAppy Happy Birthday to Jean :aktion033: :aktion033: :saludando: So one of the Ole Broodmares is a year everybody lets sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jean : :aktion033: ........Carrie I just noticed I can't spell old ...but hold or old aren't they the same thing :o :
  13. Cherokee Rose

    What do you guys think...

    Oh Mindy your just too cute...I had to laugh when I seen this post. I too have been driving myself nuts with this kinda stuff for a while......I use to never worry about what I ate and I was always very thin : until I moved to Minnesota and hit 30 something. And I've been thinking about this and...
  14. Cherokee Rose

    Your farm or ranch name

    This is a fun thread !! Part of my heritage goes back to the Cherokee infact it's the only part of me that I can really trace way back and also I love to garden and the Rose is my very favorite Cherokee Rose was born................ : :saludando:
  15. Cherokee Rose

    OUR FIRST 2007 FOAL ...

    Oh my goodness Conny.......I got so excited when I seen this post :aktion033: : She is a DOLL!!! So does this make me a great-grandma : Can't wait to see whats under all that hair.....Congratulations!!! This would be her proud grandsire .....Jandts Precious Pimples a.k.a "Cowboy"
  16. Cherokee Rose

    Finally, our first foal of 2007!

    Oh well the longer the wait the greater the reward : And I'll be waiting for more post I probably do need to come out of the wood work more often : :lol:
  17. Cherokee Rose

    Just another update!

    Mindy They are sooo cute....and they are growing so fast : There is one little girl I seen on your website she is so cute......but I have 7 dogs in the house now :o trade for a Shih Tzu :bgrin :saludando:
  18. Cherokee Rose

    Pictures: the newest ones and others.....

    Just Love those baby pics.....such well cared for and well bred babies........Congratulations on a successful foaling season so far............Carrie
  19. Cherokee Rose

    Finally, our first foal of 2007!

    Nothing like an Appy post to bring me out of the wood work : Very striking little boy......won't he be fun clip off... :
  20. Cherokee Rose

    Unusual Colored Mini Baby

    Nice baby : I have seen buckskin Appys.......that is my favorite color :aktion033: We do own a Buckskin leopard stallion. I can see why he is already sold "Congratulations".......Carrie