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  1. Cherokee Rose

    Last Year's "The Heritage Sale"...

    So what are you up to Mona : looking for somthing : go ahead tell us straight up we can take it :
  2. Cherokee Rose

    for the first time in months

    Glad your getting rain Mary!!! I have been watching and hoping for rain down your way....I was born and raised in Southwest Mo and all my family is down there and I know the drought has been bad there too. Infact my sister said she probably wouldn't even try planting a garden this year if they...
  3. Cherokee Rose

    We have decided to train our Miniatures to ride

    Thanks barnbum for the compliment.....I really appreciate that : And Thank You Russ for your compliment as well.....that Pretty Pleeze is a beautiful girl ....I think Lavonne is going to be very happy with her : all of my foals by Tom A Hawk are that way just like him very into whats going on...
  4. Cherokee Rose

    We have decided to train our Miniatures to ride

    Please meet our new trainer Nala.....she has decided that Cherokee Rose Sheza Big Star is her new best friend : She sits and watches her eat her hay and is always getting a free ride.....the little filly doesn't seem to mind and I have seen the cat sitting on her for well over and hour at a...
  5. Cherokee Rose

    What is this on my mares neck?

    I do agree with does appear to be lice. As I mentioned on another thread you can dust them with lice powder for horse and give them a dose of Ivermection....that has always worked well for me. Hey Chamomile speaking of bred mares you should be on mare stare with Softy how's she...
  6. Cherokee Rose

    Skin condition question

    It kinda sounds as if your mare might have lice. It could be just winter itches but if she 's doing it in excess....lice would be my guess. I would buy some lice powder for horses and treat them all also I would worm them with Ivermection that will also help eleminate the the little beast...
  7. Cherokee Rose

    Donkey Question

    Hi all I have a couple are just getting into the minis and are looking at getting some mini Donkeys. They have looked at some and they were asking me if a 1/4 in underbite was bad I'm assuming in the donkeys it would be the same as horses;right? And what would this animal be worth? what is...
  8. Cherokee Rose

    R.I.P Oliver

    If anybody wonders what a Miniature horse is for should see your post . I think it shows and says it all !! What a beautiful gelding he was ; my heart breaks for you today
  9. Cherokee Rose

    Arabian Ears???

    Oh Lavern didn't Gene tell you Boonie is coming to live with me : :aktion033: Ok maybe in my dreams :bgrin Anyway I can't wait to see those ears on that Appy butt that were going to have this spring. I was hoping Gene would post Boonie on this ears thing .......I still think he is one of the...
  10. Cherokee Rose

    Calling all dog breeders!!! What do you breed?

    We raise Shih Tzu.....they are wonderful companions and are so versatile. If you want to nap all day their all for that or if you want to do some playing around they're more than willing They're kinda like kids in dogging is a picture of one of our puppies a Blue and White...
  11. Cherokee Rose

    Show Halter for Professional Photos...Is there one

    I have a gold and brown halter that I bought for Tomahawk when I took him to nationals and it seemed to work very well with all the horses we used it on during our photo shoots this summer check out my website and you can see it on several diffrent colored even looked wonderful on...
  12. Cherokee Rose

    Anyone getting professional photo's

    Sounds good to me Jean and maybe I'll take you coon hunt'n you know what they say you can take the girl out of the holler but you can't take the holler out the girl
  13. Cherokee Rose

    Anyone getting professional photo's

    Contact Jodie ......she is doing a wonderful job and it shouldn't be to hard to pull together 12 horses. I have the honor of being her handler and I know she is getting alot of interest in her photos and she is offering a introductory price right now so don't delay. If you would like to view...
  14. Cherokee Rose

    My christmas present in 2003 ...

    WOW Conny Santa can leave him under my tree any day Stunning boy!!..............Carrie
  15. Cherokee Rose

    Lets see your

    Here is our Snowcap girl we are so excited to be adding her to our breeding program She came all the way from Montana to live with us....Thanks to Mindy and her Grandmother Please meet Pearl's Sea Splash
  16. Cherokee Rose

    show us your splash overos and snowflake appy hors

    This is our Snowflake Appy....Cherokee Rose She Has A Secret I just love the way she's colored ........Carrie
  17. Cherokee Rose

    Jean B out did herself

    WOW Did you girls do good or what!!! I did actually see it before you posted......I knew it had to be getting close, so I peeked I did spend alot of time at Jodie's place this summer and her foal crop was stunning and she has a couple of yearlings that will knock your socks off!! And I also...
  18. Cherokee Rose

    Let's now see your B size Mares!

    Oh I just love showing off the B are a couple of our Bmares This is one of our Appy mares Valley Views Simply Irresistible...who will be expecting her first foal in 2006 And then we have ARC Chocolate wonderful broodmare......
  19. Cherokee Rose

    B Stallions

    Did someone say B stallions I love the B divsion horses here is our Appaloosa stallion Jandts Chief Show Tom A Hawk ...all 36in of him ...........Carrie
  20. Cherokee Rose

    Had mare ultrasounded...

    Hi Mindy, Just wanted you to know I'm keeping you both in my thought and prayers. Like others have said don't beat yourself up over it....this is just part of the business. Will hope she hangs on to that foal; recovers well and I bet it's going to have SPOTS sorry I couldn't help...