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  1. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    So, I just thought I would update... I am sure you are as sick of waiting for this mare as I am. Still no baby. This weekend was lots of rolling, lots of butt rubbing, some changes to her udder and milk color has turned more white. I would say, Yay, progress, but I am done being hopeful...
  2. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Ha! Rebecca. She got her mani/pedi last friday. Poor thing could barely stand on three legs. My farrier had issues with her big ole belly in the way!
  3. KLM

    baby bump/bumps.....?

    Wish I knew the answer to this one... My mare has done it THREE times so far in the past 6 weeks!!!
  4. KLM

    Evah's pregnancy thread!

    Yay! Congratulations!!!
  5. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Could you guys please come tell her she's ready? I don't think she believes me!!!
  6. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    I was positive this was going to be the weekend. Yesterday she rolled 5 times, kept standing stretched out like she was going to pee, but didn't. Her bag was full and hard, teats pointing down and well separated. Each night check found her more and more annoyed to see me to the point she just...
  7. KLM

    AMHA lookup please

    Thank you barefootin
  8. KLM

    AMHA lookup please

    I'm looking at a horse and wondered if anyone with studbook can check current owner and registration info for me. Just checking to see if she is double registered. For some reason I thought I saw an ad for her several years ago and she was. Mare is 2004 model - Aaprina in Destinys to be Athena...
  9. KLM

    Babies first show

    Very nice babies. Its awesome when your home grown ones make it to the ring and your hard work is acknowledged. Congratulations!
  10. KLM

    Maiden mare at 331 days in foal

    Sorry about the loss of your previous foal. Praying for a safe un-eventful foaling from this little girl. She is a cutie!
  11. KLM

    baby bump/bumps.....?

    Blazin looks to be enjoying her new haircut! Mine love it when they are clipped... its like, Woo Hoo, I feel good! Glad you are feeling better... I must have sent it from the west coast after all
  12. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Today's pics... Still dropped, still pregnant! Not much in the milk dept though :/
  13. KLM

    Maple Hollow Farms 2015 Foaling

    Saw this on FB this morning. Such a handsome little guy with great color! Congratulations!!!
  14. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    No worries, I didn't mind typing it all out. Getting down to the science of things made me feel a little less like banging my head against the wall. I admit I feel a bit dumb on using a human 28 day calendar vs. The horse 21 day spread! So for an update... She looks back to the dropped down...
  15. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    So, I think I mentioned this previously, but I lost my calendar from last year. The husband should not be allowed to clean up my office! I specifically remember last fall saying she would be "due" around my birthday. That would have been 4/2. Now this I do know. She lost her last foal...
  16. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Love the "sat in a mud puddle!" Still no baby... no forward progress.
  17. KLM

    Maple Hollow Farms 2015 Foaling

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your little guy
  18. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Well, today's glamour shots... I don't think tonight is the night. Maybe I am getting used to this!
  19. KLM

    Flyin' G Farm ~ 2015 Due Dates

    LOVE that colt! and born on my birthday