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  1. KLM

    One foal due in June

    Beautiful!!! Excited to see the results of this cross!
  2. KLM

    baby bump/bumps.....?

    glad shes better!
  3. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    I had this mare, Bailey and another in the pasture next to the stallion paddock. The reason was to see if they came into heat. Bailey did, bred her and she took... obviously! This mare, Babe, never showed interest in the stallion or signs of heat. The other mare hated him and wouldn't let him...
  4. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    So... As a distraction to my mare NOT foaling for me, let's play "does this mare look pregnant to you?" If she is, the stallion got her through the pipe panels last summer. My heart says "please no" then my eyes say "look pregnant to me!"
  5. KLM

    HELP, AMHA papers?

    Is the person you are buying her from the current owner on her papers? If so, just have her sign a transfer. To bring her permanent with AMHA you will need to pay the transfer fee and the Permanent registration fee for after 6 months ($50.00)
  6. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Ugh! Still no baby. But my sleep deprivation has caught up to me. I fell asleep last night at 1:30 and missed my alarm and slept until 4:30. When I woke up I rushed out to the barn to find a sleepy mare blinking her eyes at me... and thankfully no baby or labor problems! Now for the funny part...
  7. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    She is swishing her tail big time. Does not clamp her tail down but is cranky about me messing with her tail and who ha!
  8. KLM

    Patty is starting to get big

    Congratulations on a beautiful filly! Come on filly fairy... make a visit to my place Please
  9. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Well we are STILL pregnant. But more changes. I can remove her wide load sign... She is flat sided and sunk in the flanks. She was really bitc... Cranky this morning. Her vulva was a bit puckered, but I thnk that had to do with her crankiness... She didn't want me bothering her. Pics attached.
  10. KLM

    odd thing to find in feeder...=-O

    Back in my big horse days there were chickens at the barn I boarded at. One hen in particular would lay her eggs in my stallions feeder and roost on his back. We named her S.C... Sams Chicken! Melinda, I would have had heart failure if I found one of my horses in a feeder like that. My first...
  11. KLM

    Ad lib not working

    I have a similar issue with my pasture girls. They are on a 2 days in, 1 day out routine at this time of year. I turn them out when I leave for work and bring them in when I get home. That or get grazing muzzles!
  12. KLM

    baby bump/bumps.....?

    That's so pretty. I can say that because I am in California. Where I live we only get small flurries and it rarely sticks to the ground and if it does it melts off in a few hours. I'm sure "pretty" is the last thing that comes to mind trudging through to go feed!
  13. KLM

    PlayTime Minis 2015 Foals

    LOVE that filly!!!
  14. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Thank you Magic Marker... I don't know that "I" can go another week!!!
  15. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts! I am praying for a safe and uneventful foaling. My horsey nurse midwife who foaled her out the last 3 times told me I have a couple of days... Up to a week left. What?????? Regardless, I will be up AGAIN with her tonight. Today's glamour shot...
  16. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Yup, she is getting very regular visits from me. Still no baby, still very miserable looking and she was down A LOT last night.
  17. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Ok, I'm starting to feel really sorry for this little mare. I guess that's good, I was mad at her for making me wait, but this just looks uncomfortable!!!
  18. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Ugh... Friday came and went. Watching her tonight pretty closely. She seems uncomfortable, but not in labor. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day, or... Udder pics included... What do you all think?
  19. KLM

    PlayTime Minis 2015 Foals

    Can't wait to see pics! Praying all went well.
  20. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Udder is much fuller, tail resistance is "eh" She has waxing on her udder again. I'm thinking its a Friday baby.