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  1. KLM

    New to minis, and mini pregnancy

    Welcome to the "My mare hates me and wants to mess with my head and sleep" club!"
  2. KLM

    Flyin' G Farm ~ 2015 Due Dates

    Yay! Congratulations on a beautiful little girl!
  3. KLM

    Storage Disease

    Prayers for your beautiful granddaughter. Shriners are fabulous if you end up with them!
  4. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Bailey has a definite drop in her belly... I am hoping this means I will have a baby by the end of the weekend... Or sooner. The darker photo was last night, the daylight pic was a couple of weeks ago. And thank you all for your condolences.
  5. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Well, I can't exactly say I am happy she is still pregnant, but I am happy she hasn't foaled yet. We lost my Father-in-law last week and had a ton of stuff to do, funeral arrangements and family to deal with. I was gone from sun up to past dark every day and just kept praying she would wait...
  6. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Lol. You guys are right... Pregnant mares are evil! She is probably telling all the other horses "look what I can make her do!" Hahaha
  7. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    I am beginning to feel like my dates are off or something. Bailey is still very pregnant, I can see baby movement, her bag however has gone down. Is this some kind of sick mare joke? Get mom a ton of sleepless nights then say just kidding? I am beginning to dislike this mare! (Just kidding...
  8. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Still no baby. I think she has changed her mind about having a baby!
  9. KLM

    Update on Miss Tilly

    I wish there was an option to like someones comment on posts... I am grateful for every bit of info I can get. "Lady bits" pictures are nothing I would have taken in the past either, but now I feel normal doing it! lol My friend however was sitting at her desk at work when I sent them to her...
  10. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Aha! Headed out to get green tea! Glad to know there is something to help keep me awake! Glad I could give you a laugh
  11. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    I forgot to add last nights pictures... Warning... Lady bits ;) I don't know why the pictures turned... Sorry
  12. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    More slab sided this morning than she has been. Pulled up in the flanks and relaxed in the tail head and vulva. Her bag didn't seem as full last night though I hope its soon... I am starting to have trouble waking up to my alarm every hour!
  13. KLM

    Foaling time of day ???'s

    Grrr... Ladies, you have shattered my hopes! lol Still no baby. Very relaxed vulva and babe seems to be in position (still) She had the nerve to look sleepy this morning when I checked on her before work.
  14. KLM

    Magic Marker 2015

    Congratulations! Hoping for a buckskin pinto myself! (Will settle for healthy!)
  15. KLM

    PlayTime Minis 2015 Foals

    Oh my goodness! Such a precious little girl. Congratulations Now its mine and Rebeccas turn!
  16. KLM

    Maple Hollow Farms 2015 Foaling

    And here I am stressing over one! OMG you are going to be BUSY!!
  17. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Rebecca... Are we gonna race? Bailey had an off and on uncomfortable night, down several times, but nada Kandi
  18. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Oh, oops... She is 332 days
  19. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Tonight's progress photos: She is loose... Jello butt and loose poop. Bag is a little fuller