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  1. KLM

    Foaling time of day ???'s

    Crushing my hopes! lol I was hoping for some shred of predictability!
  2. KLM

    how many leave their minis out

    My mares are out 24/7 with run in shelters until its time for "jenny craig" then they are in a dry paddock with run in shelter. My stallions are in 12' x 48' paddocks with 3 sided shelters. Show horses are in 12'x12' stalls with turnout 3 days a week and work 4 days a week.
  3. KLM

    Foaling time of day ???'s

    Just a quick poll here... Do most mini mares tend to stick with the same foaling time of day? My mares last two foals were right around the 1:00 AM hour. Would you "expect" this pattern to hold true?
  4. KLM

    PlayTime Minis 2015 Foals

    Praying for your little mare and a safe delivery. I have been reading and reading... I am going just as crazy as you with my little mare. This is my first solo foaling out of a mini. Tons of experience with biggies, but I have always taken my mini mares to a foaling barn.
  5. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Yup, Pintaloosa. Bailey, AKA- Bar B Supreme Attitude. By Brewers Classic Supreme X Cherryville Rios Elegant Attitude. She is in foal to my avatar picture Sierras Dance Duster. A Buckskin pinto. Hoping for color... happy with healthy!
  6. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Thank you! So nerve wracking!!! I tried to add pics from my work computer and had no luck... Trying again! Here are a few from 2 nights ago... The last two are Bailey and her last filly (year before last)
  7. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Thank you! The tearing was minimal. She was treated with antibiotics for 10 days after foaling, examined and cleared for breeding by the veterinarian. I am hoping since her prior foaling was "textbook" we have no complications.
  8. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Well hello all, Its been a while since I have been here, I even forgot my password and had to re-set it. My question of the day... My mare last year lost her foal to a breech birth. She was at a foaling barn, under cameras and help was present the entire time. The vet was of course on an...
  9. KLM

    Coat Color and Pattern likes and dislikes

    Love the pintos, and yes, conformation first. And REO, Ill take your avatar horse ANY day!!!
  10. KLM

    Who do you think has the best miniature "Arabian" face?

    I agree with Libertys Miss Kentucky... Her head would be on the top of my list. And Susanne, I agree with conformation being top priority, but still love the Arab type head to go with it!
  11. KLM

    Who do you think has the best miniature "Arabian" face?

    These are a couple of my girls... Chestnut pinto is Bailey - aka Bar B Supreme Attitude. Black Pinto is La Vista Project Runway. Both have lovely dishy arab faces which I LOVE!!!
  12. KLM

    2012 Nail Test

    I cant wait to try this tonight on my girls!
  13. KLM

    OK, I have two foals coming... I really, really do!!!

    I am so excited. After lasts years fiasco with Babe, and her losing her foal and not telling me, I am very excited to announce that I have TWO babies coming for 2014. The first is my mare, Bar B Classic Supreme aka Bailey. The other is my mare Impressibles Feathered Snow. Both in foal to King...
  14. KLM

    Rising Costs

    Disneyhorse, Had a mini colt gelded at a month old... The vet said they were the smallest testicles he'd seen and wanted to know if he could keep them. I was like "sure, I don't want them!" ROFLMAO!!!
  15. KLM

    Have to share my new boy

    Thank you everyone. He is 32", AMHA registered, soon to be AMHR. He is McArthurs Imerial Gold Dust on the top and out of a Roys Toy Snippets Blazer daughter. He is super smart, in just a few days I have taught him sidepassing, backing thru poles, pivot on forehand and turn on haunches. I have...
  16. KLM

    Pinched nerve

    Sounds like Ulcers to me. My friends filly did this... she was misdiagnosed as colic several times. The filly died, and the necropsy showed she was full of ulcers. I got a colt earlier this year. He was displaying the same symptoms, luckily the barn he was at with the prior owner recognised...
  17. KLM

    Have to share my new boy

    I am so excited to get this new guy. He is a 2 year old stallion and hopefully will be my new herd stallion in the future. I plan to do a bit of showing first to see if he really has it all. I just got him Friday and I have to say he already has me wrapped around his little hoof. I THINK he is...
  18. KLM

    Rising Costs

    Wow, those are some high numbers! here there are gelding clinics for $75.00 a couple of times a year. Of course you generally have to apply for a spot in the clinic and be selected from a questionaire that you fill out. I had a 12 year old stallion that I rescued. I got quotes from $800.00 to...
  19. KLM

    Do foals change color when they shed out?

    Yes they most definately do change color. With the dilute horses it seems we face more confusion as to just what color will my horse be! This is a progression of my horse Pistol... He goes very light in winter now to a gorgeous gold in summer. I don't have a good picture of his gold in the sun
  20. KLM

    trying to get my black horse a shiny coat

    Great! Thank you Chanda! I am going to try this on my buckskin and black pintos