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  1. KLM

    Jumping My Mini

    I think you will be OK since you were jumping him lower than 2'. Obviously you dont want to push them, but if you have escaped injury thus far, he should be fine. At three they are allowed to jump in shows and I have seen those fences near 4'. I had a huge reality check when my vet informed me...
  2. KLM

    Gullet strap

    OK, Showing my inexperience with driving here... Is the purpose of a gullet strap just for attaching a lead? I'm guessing it is for trail driving or combined driving since I have not seen one in the show ring. Forgive me, trying to learn!
  3. KLM

    Introducing our first 2 foals @ Eagles Ring Miniatures

    OMG So Adorable!!! Love this look, reminds me of "Grumpy Cat" I think you are going to have a diva on your hands!
  4. KLM

    show prep question

    I personally HATE, HATE, HATE show grooming. It is so un-natural. My horses lose half of their manes in both bridle path and thinning. Although I am not a fan, I do conform. I don't know what to do about lightening her mane, but I would go with the AMHA rule book. You can enhance their natural...
  5. KLM

    Magic Marker Minis

    Wow, Daytime babies!!! and one right after the other. I guess it was contageous! Congratulations!!!
  6. KLM

    For those with National titled horses...

    I don't have a national titles horse, but here is what I have heard trainers say on the subject: If a horse is named world champion halter, don't show it halter again. It would only hurt their credibility as a breeding stallion/broodmare if it gets beat. The idea being to sell the foals as "out...
  7. KLM

    AMHA rule book question

    From the rule book: Pg 171, WS-030 Sec D Points earned as a stallion for World qualification will carry over to geldings qualification should the horse be gelded. This does not apply for Honor Roll Awards. Honor roll points are per horse per class/division. So points earned as a stallion...
  8. KLM

    Mini show halters...

    I love both halters. I would say it depends on the shape and length of your horses head. If you are wanting to break up a long head, I would get the silver one. If he has an amazing head, I wouldn't want anything to detract from it and go with the gold. Then again... does he have white face...
  9. KLM

    NORCAL Miniature Spring Fling

    Hello everyone! I just want to let anyone in the NORCAL area know that we are having an AMHR show on Friday 4/12/13 and an AMHA show Saturday and Sunday 4/13/13 & 4/14/13 at Brookside Equestrian Park in Elk Grove. Post entries are accepted and Spectators are welcome. The show starts at 9:00 AM...
  10. KLM

    After the fuzz is gone....

    Well when I was looking at his before pictures I thought, Wow, he has a nice little face. Then I kept scrolling down and said WOW!!! He is a nice little horse. I am sure you will do very well with him in the ring. I also saw him on facebook, but didn't know the before pictures were going to be...
  11. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    I will be going over every Friday to see her. She is about 30 miles from my house and the opposite way from my office so I will be limited to weekly visits. I will take pictures every Friday and post them. I am going to see what we can do about getting a feed!!! I want to see her more than...
  12. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Well, no viewing of foaling camera available for us. How do you get a horse on mare stare? Or, is there another way to get the camera feed online? I know she has the horses under camera and has monitors both at home and in her tack store about a mile away. I want to see here at work and in...
  13. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Well, I took Babe to the foaling barn today and Pam showed me that she is definitely pregnant. We sat and watched the babe roll around for about 10 minutes. She said based on the breeding dates (she was also the breeder) she thinks we have about 3 - 4 weeks to go. Baby is definitely up high. Pam...
  14. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Just out of curiosity... just how high into her back is normal for this baby to get. Wyatt just sent me these, said Babe has been laying down a lot today.
  15. KLM

    Dream Catcher's ~ Colt pics pg.10!

    Baby is adorable! I wanna see color pictures! I can't wait for mine!!! Oh, wait, yes I can. I want to wait!
  16. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    I have to ask her if she has "Marestare" I know she has them on camera, but i don't know about the feed... I will check. I am taking her at 7:30 AM PST
  17. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Yes, He was making fun of us. I think he was mortified even calling it that... he paused just before he said it! Like I said, I would swear this mare isn't even preggo if I didn't see and feel movement! Sunday it was a BIG side to side baby... now this! She is making me crazy. Can't wait to...
  18. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    EXACTLY!!! between the lines... the common sense area! "Take a picture of her belly" well thats what I got. Never mind the fact her helped me take pictures of her belly the night before and knew exactly what I wanted. He finally delivered and sent me a good picture (although a little high...)...
  19. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Wyatt is my son. He really is a good kid. Loves to help out and trys really hard... but sometimes his teenager brain just can't handle simple things. When I get something like the "belly" picture from yesterday I wonder how he gets straight A's in school. I think being a teenager makes common...
  20. KLM

    Maple Hollow Farms 2013 Foaling Season Complete

    Will it count if my "Babe" goes tonight??? What a cutie Melinda!