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  1. sundaymom

    She finally foaled!!

    What a striking black. I concur with others that in time you may see more color show up. These App's are so much fun. Congradulations!
  2. sundaymom

    INTRODUCING Whinny For Me's 2nd Foal of 2009

    Congradulations on a beautifull girl. It's so wonderfull to see the end result of all your learning and hard work come together in the really nice foals you are having.
  3. sundaymom

    Raven's Surgery Is Tomorrow (Wed) Morning

    Gee...Sorry to hear this but glad you shared it. This week has really been a learning experiece on the many things with minis. I know this surgery will probably be worse on you than Raven. Ignorance is bliss. Ha! What a wonderfull caretaker you are to see that the best is done for her...
  4. sundaymom

    Look at this colour

    Now that is one beautifull colt. I just love the black and large spots. Tell her how lucky she is.
  5. sundaymom

    3 New Foals

    All three are precious. Just love the babies but when as nice as these three, it makes it even better. Congradulations
  6. sundaymom

    Our 1st Live Foal at Sample's Majestic Miniatures

    What a gorgeous baby bay boy. For your first you did great. Now come to my house and help me take such wonderfull clear action shots. Ha!
  7. sundaymom

    Our first foal of 2009.....

    What a precious little girl. Would love to help with the name but not good even with my own. Ha! Look foreward to gowing up pictures in the future.
  8. sundaymom

    Newborn foal with deformed foot; advice please

    Just had to make a comment here. I too like you come back and forth to Lil Beginnings from time to time. I am older and started late into miniatures. I struggled for several years on my own and then one day found Lil Beginnings. It was like I had spent years wondering lost and finally found...
  9. sundaymom

    New Appy boy arrived at our house

    Again I have to say thanks so much. Such a nice reception for my little boy by everyone. I really haven't come up with a name for him yet. Just used the name tiny tim as reference to size. Not going to be part of his name. One son and grandson are pushing for something with Braveheart in...
  10. sundaymom

    New update from "Rockin R"

    From time to time when I come to lil beginnings I try to always look for an update on how you are doing. No we don't know each other but you have been a constant inspiration to me from the beginning of these problems. Throughout the day if some aches and pains come my way, I think of you and...
  11. sundaymom

    New Appy boy arrived at our house

    Thanks so much everyone. You have overwhelmed me with your kind comments. I often believe it's a toss up on the size. I have one filly who is wonderful but she just kept growing. Both parents under 34" with backgrounds of 34 to 28 yet she will probably finish out a tall 35. Now this boys...
  12. sundaymom

    New Appy boy arrived at our house

    Wanted to share my latest addition. An appaloosa colt born March 17, 2009. He is one very tiny boy. We are all excited with the new boy but of course wish as pretty as he is, he had been a girl. Ha! Everyone keeps finding things in his far we have a butterfly and a heart. Can...
  13. sundaymom

    How are our 'cinnamon' horses doing?

    I started mine several months ago on 1tsp a day. None of them were obese but a little pudgy in areas. Like Drivntime, there is a noticeable difference to the overall shape. Hard to describe. It's not like tons of weight fell off but the neck has thinned, rump toned down and belly tightened...
  14. sundaymom

    The truth about Rockin R

    We all start as strangers but through our acts and deeds become more. SWA and Reignmaker have expressed my feelings so much better than I could. Already the blessings from your prognosis have began. Their words have touched and helped me today, as I am sure they will you too. Through your...
  15. sundaymom

    Its Another Appy New Year Here

    Congradulations Jen. Another great looking appy foal. I always look forward to your babies each year.
  16. sundaymom

    Hoof Polish Questions

    Just to throw my two cents in. Last year was my first year to show. I had two appy girls. One had 4 solid black hoofs and the other had stripped. I'm sure I was a riot to all those around me. Ha! But even with the sweating and racing heart I had a good time. I only brought the black and...
  17. sundaymom

    Anyone use "Barn Bag" by life data labs

    I never like to give advice for I don't feel I have the experience that so many on this board do and so I don't. But I will share my own experience with you. Three years ago I had a lot of trouble with fat and what I felt looked like out of shape horses. I worried about colic, founder...
  18. sundaymom

    Pondering Oaks Stables National Results

    Congradulations..Great job. I so thought Carin would be perfect for my unmarried son, (not that I was thinking of only myself...ha!) but alas, she's married already. Carin, sorry to say, I won't be able to attend in October at Spooktacular as planned. My friend that was bringing me had some...
  19. sundaymom

    A Modern Day Fairy Tale *UPDATE*

    I love reading stories like this. To much bad news highligted in papers. We need a campaign of seeking out good news stories such as this. How wonderful of you Dr. Pam and all the others.
  20. sundaymom

    Anyone use "Barn Bag" by life data labs

    I wish some of the feed experts would look at this balancer and give their opinion. I too have looked at this ration balancer and really pondered trying it. I have used Progressive Ration grass Balancer for coming on 3 years in January. I love it and really like how it works with my horses...