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  1. sundaymom

    3 new colts!

    Congradulations on three healty really nice colts. I too will be thinking of you and hoping you get some girls.
  2. sundaymom

    New Foals for Bit-O-Blue

    Well I can't pick a favorite, they are all so nice. Congradulations!
  3. sundaymom


    What a sweetheart. Love her markings. So glad she is doing better. Probably just a southern thing...southern ladies are known for swooning. Gets them a lot more!
  4. sundaymom

    Meet our first 2011 foal

    Now you see I'm always praying for lots of! I really like her and sure I will the second one, due to more white and bright color. Congradulations!
  5. sundaymom


    As the others have stated...very nice colt. Congradulations!
  6. sundaymom

    The filly fairy has finally returned!

    I look at all your annoucenments and have yet to find one I didn't like...ha! Congradulations on all these beautiful foals.
  7. sundaymom

    foal number 3

    Congradulations on such a pretty little girl. Such a wonderful feeling when the scare is over and have delivered a healty foal.
  8. sundaymom

    My heartache has eased

    Congradulations on such a sweet tiny little boy. I loved Jane's cartoon. He can't help but heal your heart.
  9. sundaymom

    Another Appy Colt

    I am so happy to see the quality of appy foals being born the last couple of years. Your two are fine examples of appy breeders working toward not just color but conformation. Congradulations!
  10. sundaymom

    Two beautiful boys for CLP MIniatures over the past 4 days!

    Very, very nice. So glad I got to see the dried pics for they are great. Congradulations!
  11. sundaymom

    3rd Foal of 2011 for W W Miniatures Pix!

    I just love his color and that last picture really shows how well he presents himself. Congradulations!
  12. sundaymom

    Cedar Fields First Three Foals

    Beautiful foals. Congradulations on a great foaling year so far. Look forward to the rest.
  13. sundaymom

    We have a FOAL!!!!

    Such a nice colt. From reading all your info and updates it's easy to see the love you have for your horses. This guy is a lucky little man.
  14. sundaymom

    2011 Foal of Irish Hills Farm

    What beautiful foals and I just love the heads. Great season!
  15. sundaymom

    Better filly pix... and...

    Congradulations of such a cute little Lizzy. I'm sure you will be back in time with pics showing a completely different looking girl. lol!
  16. sundaymom

    Finally she's foaled

    Congradulations on such a pretty little boy. Pedro just seems to suit him.
  17. sundaymom

    My Breaking All The Rules daughter

    Congradulations on such a showy looking girl. Love the way she carries herself. I'm sure we will hear more about her in the future.
  18. sundaymom

    Having baby

    Really enjoyed seeing your little boy and I concur...he looks like a sugar baby! Cindy looks so sweet and I must say you are adorable also. lol! Such a great picture with the three of you. Congradulations!
  19. sundaymom

    I got an early Mother's Day Gift:)

    What a wonderful present to enjoy on Mother's Day, a little red headed filly. Congradulations!
  20. sundaymom

    Another FILLY!

    How wonderful to have exactly what you wanted and especially all combined in a healthy filly. I know last year must have been so sad for you. This little girl will brush all that away. Congradulations!