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  1. sundaymom

    New filly born this morning

    Knottymare..Thank you..All your posts show such a nice person. Bannerminis..Like your new website and good luck with your foals in August and September. Thanks Reo..Such a help with this forum and I still remember the travels of Lotto.. Connie P...Thany you...Your farm is truly accomplishing...
  2. sundaymom

    New filly born this morning

    Love Casper...thank you...I loved reading about your little need to update and write some more so I can follow their story.
  3. sundaymom

    New filly born this morning

    Ha! boys this year. Love the boys but with girls no rush, so can take my time loving on them. 3Eagle...What beautiful horses you have and I see you also have a couple of really nice appys. Thank you for commenting. Minie 812...Loved looking at your site and nice video of the...
  4. sundaymom

    New filly born this morning

    Thank you Charlotte. As the mom of Cowboy and Skipper nice of you to comment.
  5. sundaymom

    New filly born this morning

    Thank you Susan. Have always loved looking at your boy...Calypso and your champagne colored foals.
  6. sundaymom

    New filly born this morning

    Thank you Taylor..
  7. sundaymom

    New filly born this morning

    Genie..congradulations. Don't give up looking. It is always nice to have one arrive colored but never give up on an appaloosa. As many of the more knowlegable breeders can tell you they can be born solid and later color up. Every year can be like getting a new! Thank you...
  8. sundaymom

    New filly born this morning

    Well this is the last foal this year by my stallion. GB did us proud in having 4 fillies this year, with 3 live ones. After losing one a few days ago, this one is a little more special. Presenting Isabella...a near leopard filly. http://www.ptmminiat...2_hours_old.wmv I really didn't slap...
  9. sundaymom

    First foal at Rodie's Mini Ranch

    Zoey, What a beautiful marked little filly. So happy for you. I agree...more color to come.
  10. sundaymom

    First 2011 Crayonbox Foal

    KIm, So happy to come in today and see your good news. What a beautiful little buckskin for you to enjoy. Congradulations!
  11. sundaymom

    please pray for butter

    The update was a heartbreaker. So sorry for you and Butter.
  12. sundaymom

    Have you had a horse react to rabies shot?

    Every year I get my shots from the vet and give myself. I give my pregnant mares the ewt a couple of weeks to a month before delivery and then after delivery I give the Rhino and then a few days later the WN. Just the way I do things. This year the vet said there was a mix up with the...
  13. sundaymom

    Pinkie update

    I am so glad to hear even the smallest of improvements. When you mentioned you felt she was not comfotable being away from home it made me remember something similar with one of my horses. I don't know how close your bond with Pinkie is but I will share my experience. My stallion and I have a...
  14. sundaymom

    Tough start to foaling season at Crayonbox

    Over the years I have always appreciated your comments and help to this forum and especialy your web site, for the information offered to breeders. I am so sorry you have had to face the hardest of decisions, of anyone who loves and breeds miniatues. You cared enough to make the best decision...
  15. sundaymom

    If you like to Marestare I have one ready to go!

    I just love color and your boy is all that and more. Congradulations!!
  16. sundaymom

    Normally I would not post about this

    Foaling season brings amazing highs but as you have had to experience, it also can bring heart wrenching sadness. I am so sorry you have had to experience this and pray you will never have to endure it ever again.
  17. sundaymom

    Thelonius -- PHOTOS ADDED

    You have written such a moving documentary on such a wonderful little horse. I too found myself in tears reading about Thelonius. I can relate so emotionally to this story for I have a stallion and gelding who are the most attached of all my horses. Your sorrow and that of Mingus will one day...
  18. sundaymom

    Can you (do you) feed round bales to miniature horses?

    Here is an example of what we have found to be of benefit to the mares and myself. My husband built two of these for different pastures. Either side of rails can be moved out so a bale of hay sitting on a crate can be placed inside and then the rail side is moved back in position. What you...
  19. sundaymom

    "Max" (5/29/2009-2/11/2011)

    I felt such hurt for you this morning, when I read this. I have followed MAx's progress on here and like you said, learned so much through his thread. Please know everyone on here that has loved and lost animals feel compasion for you at this time.
  20. sundaymom

    E Coli Endotox

    Wanted to ask of those that use it...the tube says to give the whole tube within 12 hours...seems like a lot for a mini you give the whole tube or half for a mini? Thanks