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  1. sundaymom

    How close is your farm to foaling season?

    Like Kim I did not have any foals last year. I was so lonely without a baby around. I am really excited and wishing the days away waiting for them to start this year. I have one due in early March and 3 in April. A late one due the first of June to an outside breeding. I have already picked...
  2. sundaymom

    Received prize for Fishing Contest

    Received in the mail today my "Go Fishing" prize. It was a rope halter that is very nice and much appreciated. Thank you Buckskin Meadows Farm for donating it, Reo for running these fun contests and Mary Lou for sponsoring them on this wonderful site.   Good luck to future winners!!!
  3. sundaymom


    Now that was so exciting. I thought of a number...46 but saw that Normajean had already picked it, so said what the heck...47. Left to check my email and came back to find I had won. Will let you know when I receive my gift but I am already thankfull for it. Good Luck everyone! Thank you...
  4. sundaymom

    Appy questions

    I'll start for all the appy breeders. Now this post being about color is what I'm addressing. Not needed to say hoping for good conformation also. I am really hoping with my breedings for next year to see a lot of black based large spotted appaloosas. I don't mind whether it's a blanket...
  5. sundaymom

    Appy questions

    I must say I have really enjoyed reading this topic. Years ago I raised pintos, just for enjoyment, with only one or two foals a year. Then I decided to stop and got rid of just about all my mares except for a couple. Just when my husband was smiling a little to much, I got the wild hair to...
  6. sundaymom


    As a mother and grandmother I completly understand where Linda is coming from. Funny how with age things do not have the same power over you as they once did, especially ya ya talk. However mention my children or grandchildren and I rise to the occasion. Ha! The following story is one I have...
  7. sundaymom

    Who passes on an off bite in foals ?

    I will share with you my experience as that is all I am positive! As foals I would not be overly upset or make any rash decisions before you had an equine and/or vet dentist look at their mouths. Babies mouths often go back and forth as they grow. An equine dentist takes care of my...
  8. sundaymom

    Little announcement of my own....

    Just want to ad my congradulations to Laurie on such a nice colt. I have always admired the DRK horses and can see I will continue to. My suggestions to Laurie, in helping this little man adjust from green pastures to desert are...pick a small area and put artificial trees in each corner and...
  9. sundaymom

    Letter from Carl Mitz

    I don't live in Texas but have sent an email. I feel this is an action, if passed, could affect other states.
  10. sundaymom

    Measuring... heard talk of a new proposal...

    I'm not a sharer but more a Learned more from this site then from any book or single person. Old and mind my own business, most times but had several thoughts from reading all the comments. Okay thats my Change is always hard and looking back is not going forward...
  11. sundaymom

    Does anyone free feed hay ?

    Last year I went to the large round bales during the winter. I have 3 run ins with excess overhang and what we did was take two large boards, and half a banister rail and nail together. Then put a board on the bottom to act as a slide up under the hay. As they eat away, we slide it further...
  12. sundaymom

    Precious is foaling!!!

    Like all the others I too have been checking in on your mare. A couple of days would go by and I would think of her and I would come in to check. Such a lovely mare. I am so sorry. Sending you healing thoughts for this time of loss.
  13. sundaymom

    Zephyr Woods Foals-10th A FILLY!!!!!!!!! by Ginger 10:30 pm

    Congradulations on the boys. I too hope the filly fairy visits you this year.
  14. sundaymom

    Longman Miniatures...

    Congradulations on two striking girls.
  15. sundaymom

    Erica's Knockers is foaling right now!

    Congradulations on another looker. Of course all your foals look so nice.
  16. sundaymom

    Meet Nokeyoh

    Congradulations on having a beautifull healthy foal.
  17. sundaymom

    My turn!! It's a bouncing baby boy!

    Stephanie, Have to agree with everyone else, he looks a lot like dad. Beautifull colt and congradulations!
  18. sundaymom

    Woohoo!! Two more foals here

    Laurie, So happy to hear your good news about these foals. Wow...that spotted girl is beautifull. That filly helps erase a lot of the struggle you have had to go through with the mare. Sorry to hear about the repeat ct scan. Still thinking and praying for you both.
  19. sundaymom

    The Drama Queen finally foals...

    I just love the story and of course the foal. So glad everything ended the way it did. Wish you had a picture of the unside down mare. Congradulations