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  1. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    Thanks Diane! I have pics of Magic with her last foal to share! (have permission) This is the little mini mule from July...notice the striped hooves! That HAD to come from Magic. She is starting to show some white hairs on her rump too... Pics of Izz this morning did not turn out great because...
  2. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    I'm sorry that you are sick...hope you feel better soon! Izz has the V down pat, now if she could just get the milk bar ready! This will be the first foal from my stallion Ferrari...I can hardly wait!
  3. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    No my new mare Magic is due possibly as early as june! Izzie was pasture bred...don't know an exact due date, but anytime now!
  4. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    I agree! The mule was born on July 22. So if she took during her foal heat she will be due in mid june? I guess that would be better than late in the summer when it is super hot.
  5. jessj

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    I think that both your girls are beautiful....but I just adore Sweety!
  6. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    Izzie at 5pm. I know that her girly bits and udder still dont look ready, but her tummy is looking even more V'd. When I pull up in my drive I can see her stall/lot. She heard me pull up and came out of her stall. She started calling and pacing around like she was looking for the other horses...
  7. jessj

    Kate's foal watch..Its a Colt! pics!!

    I am getting a solid green screen on the Kate cam???
  8. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    Thanks! I am SO EXCITED!!! I cannot wait until summer...I am ready to clip and dye manes and tails now! They just weaned her last foal and she is a little thinner than I like. Not too bad, but could use a little on her topline. I have a question... She has been with the leopard stallion since...
  9. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    Wow Megan! Now thats an udder! I dont think that Izz is ever going to get an udder that awesome... I am excited, but I dont think it will really hit me until there is a foal on the ground. After all the waiting that I did for Darla and then it was a false pregnancy it feels like I have been...
  10. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    Didnt have time to do Magic pics but I did get a couple of Izz's tummy. It still doesnt show as well on camera as what I see in person.
  11. jessj

    Kate's foal watch..Its a Colt! pics!!

    WOW!!! I am going to make excuses to stay at my desk today so I can watch the cam too!
  12. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    Her tummy doesnt look quite so "pointy" today...i tried to take a pic this morning but it was still to dark. I am going to run back home in a little bit. I will get some pics of her and of Magic then! I did get some udder shots this morning. I think the teats are starting to seperate!
  13. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    O! I forgot to mention that the test strips came today! (thanks megan) Still couldnt get any milk tho...
  14. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    These pics do not show very well what I see in person. It is almost like a big lump under the bottom of her tummy where the foal is resting...I cant think of another way to explain it!
  15. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    She is so cute in her fuzzy winter woolies!!! My camea died before I got any Magic pics. I got pics of Izz's udder and it has filled more but doesnt look ready....her tummy is a different story! It looks like a big ol V. Couldnt get great pics of it, but it still shows. I left my card reader at...
  16. jessj

    Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

    Since my new girl will be here in about 2hours I guess it is ok to post pics of her! She foaled a mini mule in july and these pics are from about a week before she foaled....and she only bagged up about a week before foaling! This is Cottontails Black Magic. She is a 34" amha appaloosa. She has...
  17. jessj

    Kate's foal watch..Its a Colt! pics!!

    Come on Kate and Nana! They will probably decide to foal and kid at the same time...just to make things interesting.