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  1. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    Two sides of his fence are chain link and the other two are field fence. The only mare that he absolutey has to be seperated from is my 2yr old filly Pippa. Probably by the end of this month I will move them so there are at least two fences between them! Thinking about running an electric fence...
  2. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    Thanks! I love Duchess' face too...but her head alway looks huge in pics! It is really very nice in person! I don't have any good new pics of Rocket. Here is a quick one that I snapped of him...doesnt show much of him, I just thought it was a pretty background. Izzie has relaxed ALOT and Rocket...
  3. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    Here is my last mare due to foal, Magic. I bought her as possible in foal. She delivered a mule baby on July 22 last year and was put with the same leopard stallion that Duchess is in foal to about a week later. She was with him until I bought her. They never saw her come back into heat so I am...
  4. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    Hehehe....Renee.... Here is a saturday morning Duchess update. Her udder looks smaller to me....what do yall think?? IF she took on april 1st 2012 she is 321days in these pics.
  5. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    And a side view that I took tuesday morning in the rain...we FINALLY have a day today with sunshine. Going to rain again on saturday! At least you can tell more about her shape when she insists on standing outside in the rain.
  6. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    I've decided to start doing pics of Duchess twice a week since she is starting to bag up. Here is her udder on wednesday afternoon....not good pics, she wasnt being very cooperative. She is so short that I almost have to sit on the ground to get under
  7. jessj

    Grants Pass Auction Minis - Katya - colt born June 22

    LOVE the pics!!! Katya is a beauty and look at the spotty bum on the second foal!!!
  8. jessj

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Ahhh. give me even more hope!!! Merlin had some MAJOR spots hiding!
  9. jessj

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Oh....all of your pics give me hope that when I clip my little Rocket in the spring I will find spots! He is from a pinto mare and a pintaloosa stallion....and came out solid bay. I am super excited to see both your little ones, but especially to see what comes of Sweety and Wazza...really...
  10. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    Saturday morning Duchess pics!
  11. jessj

    Diamonds thread. (pear mare)

    Do we know anything about the "solid plain black" stallions ancestory....solid plain black could be hiding appy...
  12. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    LOL... I dont know, but they sure have some crazy looking ones! Poor Izz looked ridiculous for a while there! I have been taking pics on saturday mornings, so will take some in the morning. Will try to get one of her udder from behind then too.
  13. jessj

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    How are our girls coming along?
  14. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    Thanks Renee! I know from her previous owners that she started bagging up 6weeks ahead with her last foal, so I am thinking early to mid march. I will probably move her over so I can start stalling her at night this weekend.
  15. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    And finally a side by side...cause its alot easier to look for changes that way! First pic is feb 2nd in the morning second pic is feb 5th in the afternoon.
  16. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    And here are pics from yesterday afternoon. She was out in the dog yard munching down some of the grass there and wouldnt hold still, so the udder pic isnt great and from a slightly different angle. Also a pic of her hanging out with our new foster dog. She is so much shorter than Izz...alot...
  17. jessj

    Windy Hill ~~ Duchess

    I have a few new Duchess pics for comparrison. All of the ones prior to this have been taken in the morning, but it is usually still dark when I leave my house during the week so I took an udder shot tuesday afternoon and then several pics yesterday (wednesday) afternoon. Here is the one from...
  18. jessj

    Magic Marker Minis

    Awww... such cuties! My nigerian dwarf doe Ali is due with her first in june.....cant wait!
  19. jessj

    Calling All Aussie Lovers

    Would love to keep Tucker, but adopting him out makes a space for another foster dog...wich means saving another life!