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  1. ~Amanda~

    How Did You Name Your Farm/Breeding Program?

    Some awesome stories to go with some wonderful names.
  2. ~Amanda~

    Going to have this guy color tested

    He's a handsome little guy! Grullo sounds right to me!
  3. ~Amanda~

    Pack saddles

    I hadn't thought about packing with minis, but wow, it sure looks like a lot of fun! And seems like no reason they can't do it just like the big horses, goats, and dogs.
  4. ~Amanda~

    First 2010 foal at Circle J!

    What a pretty girl! I love her markings! I'm such a fan of Tobianos.
  5. ~Amanda~

    High Mountain's first foal and maybe only foal for 2010

    Congratulations! He definitely looks double-dilute to me. I would say Perlino, or possibly Perlino Dun, but it's hard to tell so young. A lot of foals have countershading that looks like dun factor, but goes away when they are a bit older. It looks like your mare might be a Smoky Grulla...
  6. ~Amanda~

    Filly Fairy still in Texas!

    Congratulations on your new filly! She's beautiful. And I like the name 'Smooth as Silk' in honor of her quick, easy foaling. It's kind of catchy!
  7. ~Amanda~

    Lost a foal this morning

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your little filly, Angel.
  8. ~Amanda~

    Good News First.....A GIRL and it's OUR'S!

    Congratulations! She's gorgeous!
  9. ~Amanda~

    Well I was bad again...

    She's lovely! I love her pretty face, expression, and those big dark eyes.
  10. ~Amanda~

    Dicetta had a close call...

    I'm so glad you got him breathing! He's a handsome little guy. Congratulations and I'm so glad you were in time to help him.
  11. ~Amanda~

    Life really sucks

    Still, very sorry for the losses, but I'm glad that the next two mares foaled out fast and easy. Hopefully all the rest of your mares have their little ones just as quickly and easily.
  12. ~Amanda~


    That's really neat and informative about the Clicker Training.
  13. ~Amanda~

    How Did You Name Your Farm/Breeding Program?

    I was just wondering how people named their farms/breeding programs? A lot of the names are very cute, catchy, or just really nice and I was wondering how they were inspired.
  14. ~Amanda~

    Naming your farm

    I'd probably go with the easier to say name myself, unless it was something very well known, like say...I wouldn't call a farm Claiborne or Varian or something like that.
  15. ~Amanda~

    Breeding Half Siblings?

    It's very commonly done in many domestic animals: horses, cats, dogs, etc. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but usually if both of them are very good individuals, it turns out fine from what I've seen. I'm sure it can turn out not-so-good, but it seems to work well when done...
  16. ~Amanda~

    Life really sucks

    I'm so very sorry for your losses. Lots of warm thoughts and prayers that your other mares foal out easily and safely.
  17. ~Amanda~

    Foulk's Fantasy Farm and Training Center last foal of the season

    I love those striking blue eyes. Congratulations!
  18. ~Amanda~

    It's a FILLY!!!

    She's beautiful! Congratulations!
  19. ~Amanda~

    Colt to Stallion

    So, by the rules, once a colt turns three, he is officially a stallion?
  20. ~Amanda~

    My beautiful new mare!

    Congratulations! She's a darling girl!