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  1. D

    those that geld babies......

    Thank you guys I did not give him anythign last night but was concerned about him he just looked just there I am sure it was the pain and the dugs but this morn he is up running around like nothing is wrong! no swelling or anything I will keep eyes on him. Thanks all
  2. D

    those that geld babies......

    Do you give any kind of pain meds?
  3. D

    Anyone attend the Sale in NC?

    Oh My is right Beth those are insane prices and a TON of horses in that sale....
  4. D

    mare that is very laid back.....

    when it comes to disciplining her foal she will not, he is so agressive towards all the other horses but for the most part he has been left with his mom and an older mare but I am concerned as to his behavior, I brough an older filly up to clip her and she was tied in the isle of the barn and I...
  5. D

    what would you call this?

  6. D

    what would you call this?

    Here is mom not a good one but you can see her color: Here is dad, the picture does not show his true color I had to lighten it to see him but it is the only one I have that does not make him look solid black: daddy's sire is a roan ranger a red roan and dam is a blue boy bred mare who is...
  7. D

    I am confused

    Thanks will look into that the people who ran my tests only offered lwo and tobanio so I did not knwo if others tested for that. Thanks again!
  8. D

    I am confused

    So is there any way to really tell she is a splash or anything other than a black horse with a dot and blue eyes
  9. D

    what would you call this?

    We thought the same thing so I sent pictures of the sire, dam, and colt into barbara Neuvux (SP) cant remember how to spell her last name but they are both bay and neither have produced a dilute unless they were bred to a dilute...she is the one who told me he would be a sandy bay but did appear...
  10. D

    what would you call this?

    Has anyone else seen this.....when he was born we thought he was buckskin but both parents are bays so as he got older he became a sandy bay but this black on his back is a new one.....I have seen the line down the back and it goes away. We shaved him about a month ago.
  11. D

    I am confused

    splash? They dont have a test for that do they?
  12. D

    I am confused

    Still learning the pinto genetics I have a solid black mare with a white spot on her back left heal a star and partial blue eyes she produces a lot of wide blazes with blue eyes...and have been told those get go on to produce loud overos even when bred to solid mares......well I had this mare...
  13. D

    Can anyone tell me if......

  14. D

    Can anyone tell me if......

    either of these horses are AMHR registered? Lucky Four Skippa Buck Delux-- and Lucky Four Golda Buckeroo----please And Thank you!
  15. D

    toughts,ideas,suggestions,or is this just normal..

    I will try pulling his wiskers to see how that works. thanks guys just did not know how to make him understand this behavior was not acceptable but yet not make him scared of me in the process. hopefully this will work wiht this little man
  16. D

    toughts,ideas,suggestions,or is this just normal..

    But as i said above when he is on lead he is a great horse it is when he is off lead so I am not sure I will get the same results
  17. D

    toughts,ideas,suggestions,or is this just normal..

    Oh I dont think it is cute cause I know it will not be cute when he is older like you said I need some ideas as to politely let him know that it is unacceptable. I tried pushing him away and he thought that was a game and came on stronger I tried popping him on his chest not hard but enough to...
  18. D

    toughts,ideas,suggestions,or is this just normal..

    I have a 1 month old foal who I have handled from birth imprinted him and loved on him in ears everything but when he is just out in the pasture he is standoffish but if you squat he might come over and when he does come over he will walk very quickly with a bite, kick or rear up...