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  1. C

    Need Advice on Poo-Poo Problems

    My filly and colt (7 & 8 Months) have been having intermittance bouts of runny poops. I feed Timothy in the morning and Alfalfa in the evening. I stopped the grain and the only other thing they nibble on is some honeysuckle bushes that line the stall. Their mom's also eat the same diet and...
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    Update on my Filly!

    I had put her halter on so I could take her and mama for a walk. While I was putting on mama's halter, that's when it happened. So goes the old saying "It was only for a minute". I think the buckle on the halter caught on the chain-link fence and she got caught for just a few seconds and...
  3. C

    Update on my Filly!

    Geez...I can't thank you all enough for your kind thoughts. When something like this happens you feel so alone, so it's so important to hear the encouragement from those who "know". Again...I'll keep you all posted. Karen
  4. C

    Update on my Filly!

    As a matter of fact, my vet is in the process of calculating the bute dosage. She's never worked on mini's before and so hopefully Bella will get a little relief from that. Thanks for the thoughts. Still looking for the gal who had the foal with the broken neck. If anyone know who she...
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    Update on my Filly!

    I posted here a about 2 weeks ago regarding my 5 month old filly Bella who caught her halter on a fence and jerked herself loose. I had the vet out a few days later and she gave her some anti-inflammatory injections and I was told to keep her quite for awhile. After a few more days, I noticed...
  6. C

    Is my filly hurt? Need some advice or opinion

    Thank you all...I just called my vet and he's coming out tomorrow afternoon. Better safe than sorry.
  7. C

    Is my filly hurt? Need some advice or opinion

    On Monday afternoon, my 5 month old filly had her halter on and she snagged it on a fence for a few moments. I saw her head jerking back and forth to free herself and she finally got it released after a few seconds. Since then, she holds her head down, isn't her normal playful self and is...
  8. C

    fly spray

    My vet said it was fine. I use it on my dogs too. The Marigold brand says you can use it on humans also.
  9. C

    pros and cons of not weaning

    I had another string posted here regarding weaning. Now that I've read these, maybe it's not necessary to wean them abruptly. I have such a small space with no place for them to be seperated properly. This, and as usual with every other subject, is so subjective. I remember when I had my big...
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    fly spray

    There are a few all natural sprays on the market that I love. The best one is called "Marigold" I believe. There are no pesticides, it keeps their coats shiny and it smells good too!
  11. C

    Weaning Questions

    Okay...I'm getting my game plan down now with all of your advice. Right now I'm feeding my mares "Mare & Foal Plus" about 1 cup each per day. The foals are getting some out of that. I also feed for both mom's and foals, 2 flakes of timothy in the morning and 2 flakes of Alfalfa in the...
  12. C

    Weaning Questions

    Thank you all. Everything you said makes sense. How can I tell if my colt is ready to be weaned? I have a small residential property (1/2 Acre) and do not have a pasture. The best I can do is use the seperate stalls and keep the mama's in one and the foals in another. I now know that this...
  13. C

    Weaning Questions

    Okay...I have 2 large stalls (32 x 24) and we just open the door between them for both mares and foals to roam. My filly is now 20 weeks and my colt is now 16 weeks. What is the best way to wean them from nursing? Do I need to seperate the stalls? Should I put the foals together so they can...
  14. C

    When To Geld???

    You talk about "training, training, training" for the bad behavior. I've tried EVERYTHING! I posted my problem with him when he was only a few weeks old and tried everyone's suggestions. I'm out there with my horses every day for a couple of hours, playing, taking them for walks, grooming. I...
  15. C

    When To Geld???

    Thank you all for your input. I suppose I just needed to hear some encouraging words. I know he's just being a boy, but the biting issue is getting in the way of loving him. I can't even put my hand on him without him trying to bite. It just breaks my heart! I will wait until fall though...
  16. C

    When To Geld???

    My 3 mo old colt is just a pistol to be around. He's been a biter from day one and every conceivable method to stop him from biting and nipping has been tried. He's already showing "stallion" behavior ie jumping on my other mare and trying to "do his thing". Question...Will this behavior stop...
  17. C

    Pitt Bull Attack in Florida????

    I just heard on the news last night that there was a pitt bull attack on some mini's in Florida. Don't know if this is old news, but was wondering if anyone knows who the owner is
  18. C

    Need Help! Is My Foal Colicking?

    Just a follow up on my filly and colt. The vet came out today and checked them. Everything is okay. No temp, all okay in the tummy. They are both eating and healthy! He said to continue giving them a few tablespoons of plain yogurt and some pedialite in their water for a few more days...
  19. C

    Need Help! Is My Foal Colicking?

    Thank you all for your backup. Although she "seems" to be vet is coming out this morning. She still has loose stools and that is a concern. I'll update you on the findings.
  20. C

    hay prices

    Timothy...$22.50 and Alfalfa...14.00 A BALE!!!!