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  1. C

    Need Help! Is My Foal Colicking?

    I may be overly concerned but how can I tell if my 3 mo old foal is colicky? I'm usually not home during the day and am not aware of their daily habits. I went out this 8:30 a.m. to feed and it's already really hot! My foal was sleeping in the sun and she was sweaty on her chest. Not damp...
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    Colt having very loose stools

    My colt seems to be having very loose stools. Not really diarrhea, but just a blob. He is 8 weeks and has started to eat a little of the Mare & Foal grain I give mom. Could that be doing it? Also...what about fly spray. Could he be mouthing one of the other horses and getting sick from it...
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    Why Do I Keep Miniature Horses????

    I grew up with a horse and after I got married, I had to put that part of my life on hold. After 2 kids and a divorce, I ran out and bought another horse. For 6 years I had a blast, then met my current husband who lost his childhood sweetheart to seizures. I had 2 pretty nasty accidents...
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    I know that most of you buy your hay in bulk, but here in Southern California, we just purchased Timothy Grass Hay for $23.00 a bale and Alfalfa for $14.25!! Luckily I only buy a few of each per month. 5 years ago when I first got my mini's, Timothy was $14 and Alfalfa was $8.
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    taking mini for walks

    We live in a residential area and this is the only exercise my mini's get. We take them for walks most evenings and it can take up to an hour or more to circle the long block! Everyone comes out and see's the horses. Some even have treats ready. I hear little kids say "mommy..the horses are...
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    Lime in Stalls...okay for the babies??

    I just finished reading the info on Stall Cleaning and was wondering if it's okay to put lime in a stall where my filly and colt are. Would it be harmful if they were nosing around and ingested any of it? Just want to be sure.
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    Formula for determining heigth?

    I'm answering my own question. Apparently I've asked this before and did recieve some feedback. The cannon bone formula was questioned. The easier method is: Birth Height minus the Height at 3 Months plus the Height at 3 Months i.e. Birth Height (19") minus 3 Month Height (24") = (-5")...
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    Formula for determining heigth?

    I'm always reading or hearing someone say..."she should mature to 29 inches". How does one determine what a colt or filly will mature to? I know I've heard of a formula or two...anyone know of any?
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    Colt Still Biting - Calling All Trainers!!!

    Thank you to everyone!! You've given me some very good ideas and thoughts. Wish me luck in the coming days and weeks while using these ideas. I have purchased a clicker system but have not taken it out of the package yet. Might be a good time to try. My major concern is that he comes out of...
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    Colt Still Biting - Calling All Trainers!!!

    My 7 wk old Colt is still very aggressive and bites at everything and anyone. He'll chase after us and try to bite us on the butt or leg. He seems to not want to be touched except a "sweet spot" on this withers. He bites our dogs, my filly and my mucking shovel is a favorite. I'm continuing...
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    Can someone fill me in on Marty's son?

    I've been sobbing while reading all of these postings and I just wanted to know what happended? My thoughts and prayers are with Marty and her family. Everyone on this forum continues to be amazing!
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    How soon do Mares

    Gosh...I feel like those celebrity-watching journalists who complain when a "star" hasn't lost her baby weight 6 weeks after birth!! Geez... Now I feel bad! : This is my first time foaling and my question was just out of curiosity. Both my mares are just pets and I have no intention of...
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    Anybody else considering

    I had my first and only breeding experience this year and helped deliver 2 beautiful darlings. After reading so many heartbreaking stories and realizing that I am putting my 2 mares at risk, we have decided to forgo any further breeding. Basically quitting while we're ahead! It was the...
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    How soon do Mares

    My mares foaled in late March and late April. Both still have pretty large tummies and both are somewhat idle. Should they start loosing weight or will they after weaning?
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    Color Question

    My 9 week sorrel filly has white socks and a white "lighting bolt" on her neck. Her tail is sorrel & white. I gave her a clip job and underneath found some dark "blotches" on her skin. I'm assuming because she has a white lighting bolt on neck that she is pinto. Do sorrels usually stay...
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    Tips & Ideas Needed

    I'm beginning to train my 9 week old Filly and 6 week old colt to lead. I started using the lead rope around the shoulders (like a surcingle) and up through the O ring on the halter. My filly rears up and basically has a fit :no: . My colt (the biter from heck) : at least stays on the...
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    Major Kudos

    I'll triple that "I can't agree more"! I have no doubt that Equipage saved my mare and filly. And I have no doubt that our camera system saved our other mare and colt. The camera system in tandem with Equipage is really the only way to go. I've said it without the other is not...
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    Are there any other people here

    I have 2 mares, a filly and a colt now and they are just pets. People always ask us..."what do you do with them?" Our stock answer is..."what do you do with your dogs?" We play with them, groom them, take them for walks and take them on the occasional adventure. And something you can't do...
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    How Many of You Have Mini's on Small Property??

    :aktion033: Yah! Thanks for your thoughts and experiences. I think you're right about knowing my horses are happy. They absolutely are as they are part of the family and they know they are loved. Once the babies are big enough, we periodically trailer them to an equestrian park where we...
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    How soon can you safely geld your colt??

    My colt is almost 4 weeks old and since I have 2 month old filly and their mom's, I was wondering when it is normally safe to geld him? I know this is a silly question, but after gelding, do their personalities change like it does in dogs and cats?