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  1. C

    Showing already?

    Both my mares are pregnant for the first time and due in April and May. The mare due in April is significantly chunky and the other is starting to loose her girly figure also. I wasn't expecting them to start "showing" until January. Do you think they're really showing or just eating too much?
  2. C

    Halloween is coming

    Both my minis are in our Homecoming Parade each year. We dress them up like a football player and cheerleader. I use size 4X t-shirt (front legs in arm holes, head goes throug neck opening. I cut it up the middle so the opening is at their tummy and use velcro or ties to loosly join the ends...
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    Mini's and Chickens

    Thanks for your thoughts. I couldn't imagine that they would go out of their way to eat chicken manure, but wanted info. We're new to chicken raising and would love for them to be free range, but we have a dog that's not quite ready for them yet.
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    Mini's and Chickens

    I know that horses and chickens have probably co-existed for centuries, but we're just wondering about our situation. We have a small grass area about 20 x 30 that our two pregnant mares graze on and which is now being shared with by 8 chicks. What is the feeling about mini's and chicken poop?
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    Add'l ??? RE: Hay & PG Mares

    Robin...You're Great!! I'm always learning about our mini's and you've been very informative regarding this ongoing hay issue. Just one your opinion, which cutting is preferred?
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    Add'l ??? RE: Hay & PG Mares

    Our mini's had just returned home from the breeding ranch and on July 4th we had them out on the front lawn grazing. We were having talking with the neighbors when I noticed that Hopi had gotten into a plastic shopping bag that was in the corner near the garage. I went over to grab it away...
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    Add'l ??? RE: Hay & PG Mares

    I thank Robin for her very informative answer to my feeding question. I errored when I stated I was feeding all Alfalfa hay. We are feeding Timothy in the AM and Alfalfa in the Morning. Is mixing Hay types okay?
  8. C

    Hungry PG Mares...How Much?!?

    Robin and others...thank you so much for this info. It's extremely helpful and I will start weighing the hay. My other question is that we are using 1/2 Timothy and 1/2 Alfalfa. Is this appropriate?
  9. C

    Hungry PG Mares...How Much?!?

    My two mares (ages 8 & 9) are pregnant for the first time. They are due next April and May. When they were being bred, they were on pasture all day and then fed alfalfa hay in the evening. Their diet before breeding was 1/2 flake each of Timothy in the morning and Alfalfa Oat pellets in the...
  10. C

    Hungry PG Mares...How Much?!?

    My two mares (ages 8 & 9) are pregnant for the first time. They are due next April and May. When they were being bred, they were on pasture all day and then fed alfalfa hay in the evening. Their diet before breeding was 1/2 flake each of Timothy in the morning and Alfalfa Oat pellets in the...